
Beginning in July, 2024 and our streaming edition of Alamogordo Town News on streaming investigative reporting ran a series of stories on concerns being raised by the residents of two mobile home parks within the city of Alamogordo: Desert Palms and Amber Skies.
In our reporting; Mobile Home Park Owners Under AG Investigation: Residents Ask City Commissioners to Act we reported on a number of complaints from residents within the parks of water issues, gas issues a lack of gas or drinking water and other issues of concerm going unanswered by out of state park owners. Residents rallied, many united and formalized their concerns and escalated their concerns and complaints to the city commissioners and ultimately the attorney general. Citizens such as Shari Atkinson spoke out and often.
We then ran a series of reporting which began as a citizen generated series as a collaborative project with Gary Perry to educate our readers and subscribers on protections offered under the New Mexico Mobile Home Park Act (MHPA).
A history of articles making up this series included...
New Mexico Mobile Home Act Special Educational Series Introduction
New Mexico Mobile Home Act Special Educational Series: Tenancy Termination
New Mexico Mobile Home Act Special Educational Series: Part 3
Mobile Home Park Act Educational Series Part 4 by Gary Perry
New Mexico Mobile Home Park Act Summary and Needed Changes Part 5 in Series by Gary Perry
The City commissioners listened and the city manager initiated a series of phone calls with the parks owner. The New Mexico Attorney General's office then became involved and per our story Alamogordo Mobile Home Park Operator Signs AG Assurance of Discontinuance (Settlement Agreement) an agreement was reached for resolving the issues involving quality of life at each park.
Then in October we ran a story titled Alamogordo's Mobile Home Parks Amber Skies and Desert Palms Still Working Through Issues With New Leaks
Finally, as winter arrives and the cold nights of winter and Christmas approaches we are happy to report work on the improvements at each park are nearing completion.
A couple of residents at Desert Palms that were in the KOB-4 investigative reports, who last night with an outside temperature of 27 degrees heated with only space heaters for warmth, reported that the gas lines are now in, and that the gas was turned on moments ago. The reaident said the workers are now going home to home to get residents back online with gas and heating. The mobile home management and gas company suggested that it will take a couple of days for everyone to be hooked up but that all should be up within days.
A comment from Carolyn Ross, of Amber Skies is "thank God their ordeal has almost come to an end!"
At Amber Skies, all of the water service saddles have been replaced and they are patching up the roads
Resident Carolyn Ross said, "it is pretty much a miracle --- and a testament to Gary Perry's ceaseless efforts, to make things better for all New Mexicans who live in mobile home parks, not just here in Alamo, but across the entire state." She also concluded with "Thank you for all the articles you published about our plight. We certainly appreciate it.."
Citizen activism along with the spotlight of local journalism can have a positive influence and impact upon our Alamogordo Community. We congratulate all involved that worked together to improve the living conditions in these two mobile home parks. This Christmas each resident will now have safe available drinking water and gas for heating and cooking with safe utilities providing the links to those services.
We are happy to report a "good news" story of a positive outcome.