2nd Life Media Inc in Alamogordo d/b/a AlamogordoTownNews.com, KRAZY KALH Radio and Alamogordo Conservative
Rene Sepulveda, Publisher
Chris Edwards, Editor
AlamogordoTownNews.com and Alamogordo Town News Streaming on KRAZY KALH Radio. We are the alternative news source to locally curated news and information. Members of the Online News Association, Local News Consortium, Institute for Nonprofit News, and Local Independent Online News Association.
We are Alamogordo and Southern New Mexico's POSITIVE NEWS Source. Our focus is to highlight positive news, expand the business community, cover the details of politics and highlight those positive things of beauty - the arts, business and culture within the Alamogordo region. We also do in-depth analysis and investigations into political issues and issues that influence our daily lives.
2nd Life Media is a vertically integrated marketing and media company with a publishing arm that publishes books such as Coach Bob Sepulveda: The Early Days, Coach Bob Sepulveda: the Hveem Years, 90 Days to a Glass Half Full Lifestyle, Unplug and Reconnect and a variety of books on public policy around rehabilitative justice and self-help. As a local corporation that is positioned as a vertically integrated publisher and advocate for the arts, it also operates the Alamogordo Conservative Weekly, streaming KALH Radio and is partnered in the 1209 Studio Q, ReneFit Fitness. New Mexico and the ownership and operations of the soon to be rehabilitated Sands Theater, Alamogordo. Our news and interviews can be heard via podcast on Alamogordo Town News KALH Radio on YouTube
Our focus is the growth and prosperity of the Alamogordo Community; focused on collaborative partnerships and the positivity; of local sports, local politics, small business, the arts and culture, tourism and what is right about the Alamogordo experience.
We will cover and editorialize on political issues and seek impute of our political leadership especially on issues impacting business and the health and welfare of our community.
We showcase local political leadership that is making a positive difference and we challenge political leadership to transparency and to truly represent a broad base of constituents; not just left wing or right-wing party ideology or ego centric agendas. We seek to challenge political leaders to hear all side, collaborate and draft policies based on collaboration from a cross section of business and citizens.
We will editorialize but attempt to show both sides of an issue, when possible, and ensure we offer fact-based debate. We will not allow our pages to be a forum of false news and propaganda that is not consistent with our mission of excellence and positive growth in the long run. We will utilize the tools of investigation and public records request to get the facts behind a debate or topic.
When we do editorialize, it is an impassioned plea to expand the core of our political system debate for more transparency and collaboration. We encourage an education system focused on the importance of an education for 21st Century Jobs growth, a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and encouragement to reengage in vocational technical education to benefit the jobs opportunities for the region.
We offer insight and a story that is more in depth and contains more factual content then our competitors in corporate owned print media.
We believe that Alamogordo with its proximity to White Sands National Park, The Lincoln National Forest and the other wonderful regional resources is at a cusp of opportunity for growth and revitalization to bring it back to its glory days as a hub of business, culture and the arts.
In the 1960's and early 1970's the Alamogordo school system was ranked in the top 10 in the nation, paid its educators in the top tier of the nation and was a center for arts and sciences. That glory of the past can come back to the town and region if the business community and political leadership truly partners with the arts community and tourism community and collaborates on a reinvention of the town as a cultural, fitness and arts community that embraces tourism and celebrates the natural beauty of the region.
Our job as a local online news source sponsored by our readers and business community is to highlight those things that make the region special, highlight primarily the positive and we will leave the negativity of bad news to the other news outlets. We celebrate achievement, we celebrate excellence, we celebrate Alamogordo.
Join us. Sponsor us, contribute to our ability to operate as a viable News source.
Sign up for our daily positive news alerts via email. Advertise with us! Encourage neighbors to submit stories of positivity and successes and we will happily showcase those that are positive and represent the best of Alamogordo and the region of Southern New Mexico.
We are focused on showcasing those things that make Alamogordo and the region special, and will do so with our focus, each week on #ExclusivelyAlamogordo - that is those people, products, craftsperson's, artist or ideals that make Alamogordo great.
Now join us in celebration of the positive and let us expand the story of Alamogordo!
To learn more or for story tips or to contribute stories or dialog, email ChrisEdwards@KALHRadio.org