
As the owner of Amber Skies and Desert Palms mobile home parks worked through tenant concerns with AG involvement and has now completed upgrades to infrastructure other mobile home parks within the city of Alamogordo continue to raise eyebrows and concerns for the safety of tenants within those parks.
Anothet mobile home park within Alamogordo that is of significant concern is the park located at 2100 block of North Florida known as Two Hearts Mobile Home Park. That particular park has had numerous recent complaints of homeless encampments, residents living in tents and starting bon fires for heat and trailers that should be vacant and have disconnected utilities being lived in. In February a person was found dead after a mobile home fire at the park. This week another very serious fire occurred at the mobile home park fully engulfing a mobile home and putting other park residents at risk.
Park tenants and neighboring homeowners that have concerns need to begin the process of presure by filing concerns with code enforcement. The City of Alamogordo Code Enforcement Department works to resolve issues through fair and balanced enforcement of City ordinances related to environmental concerns, property maintenance standards, public nuisances, and zoning or land use violations. Help us to ensure an exceptional living environment by preventing, identifying, and reporting code violations.
Call 575-439-4375 to report a concern.
Or send a form to report a concern.
Mobile home park residents do have some protections afforded to them via the New Mexico Mobile Home Act. ran a series of articles about rights afforded them and may be found via the links below...
New Mexico Mobile Home Act Special Educational Series Introduction
New Mexico Mobile Home Act Special Educational Series: Tenancy Termination
New Mexico Mobile Home Act Special Educational Series: Part 3
Mobile Home Park Act Educational Series Part 4 by Gary Perry
New Mexico Mobile Home Park Act Summary and Needed Changes Part 5 in Series by Gary Perry