
Outrage and Lack of Tolerance for Artistic Expression - Greek Bacchanal

The Olympics have sparked the most ignorant of the Americas and beyond to show even more outrage over yet another made up crises of attack against their perception of American and moral culture. 

The Olympics in competition is off to a wonderful start. The Olympics opening ceremony on the other hand is embroiled in controversy that is nothing more than a fake controversy. 

The controversy is over a scene that included female impersonation and is perceived as a scene ftom the ladt supper. 

Let the ignorance prevail! 

The scene as depicted looks nothing like the painting and representation of the mythical painting of the " Last Supper by Leonardo Divinci."

The scence was actually based upon a scence from Greek mythology. For those ignorant which appears to be many the Olympics originated in Athens Greece. The history of the Games goes back around 3,000 years (prior to Christ), to the Peloponnese in Ancient Greece. Sports contests organised at Olympia took place every four years and acquired the name Olympic Games.

Greece 3000 years ago was the dominant civilization of the world: richest, best educated, civilized and thrived. Greece was NOT a Christian society, Christianity did not even exist 3,000 years ago. 

Greek mythology celebrated a series of Gods from Mount Olympus. Those that travel to Greece can visit and hike. In Greek mythology, Olympus is the home of the Greek gods, on Mytikas peak. The mountain has exceptional biodiversity and rich flora.  It has been a National Park, the first in Greece, since 1938. It is also a World Biosphere Reserve. Olympus remains the most popular hiking summit in Greece as well as one of the most popular in Europe.

The scene in question was not a depiction of the Last Supper but rather an ancient Greek Bacchanal. This choice reflects the Olympics’ historical roots in ancient Greece, The live action rendition of Bacchanalia depicted in the Olympics opening celebration was a scene “honoring Bacchus, the god of wine, also known as Dionysus in Greek mythology. These festivals were characterized by their exuberance and festivities, often lasting for several days, much like the Olympics and its celebration of sports performance. 

Additionally, the figure people saw was not Death on a pale horse, but Sequana, the Goddess of the Seine River. Her presence was intended to symbolize the Olympic spirit and the river where the procession took place.

People see what they want to see or are led to see. For a majority commenting and posting hate against "drag queens" on social media, most did nor even see the scene, fewer have an understanding of history snd artistic expression, and even fewer are educated on Greek mythology and the history of Greek culture and civilization. 

The outrage over this fake story of the depiction of the last supper, which it wasn't, and misinformation as to what was depicted,  the live action rendition of Bacchanalia, is just another example of the ignorance of the uneducated, jumping onto social media and creating a narrative that is a false narrative.

False narratives drive modern American outrage over fake issues. When history looks back at 2024 shall ot reflect on the dumbing down of American society? The ignorance is the lowest common denominator of society and it does seem to drive the news cycle.

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