
The Alamogordo Police Department issued a release concerning a fire that occurred on March 13, 2025, at approximately 2:09 PM
The Alamogordo Police Department, Alamogordo Fire Department, and AMR-Alamogordo responded to 1401 South White Sands Boulevard regarding a possible structure fire.
Fire crews observed heavy smoke coming from the north side of the structure and later located a fire in a room on the first floor of the structure. Fire operations were put in place, and the fire was suppressed with the assistance of Otero County Office of Emergency Services and Holloman Fire Department, who responded for mutual aid per the release.
A female, later identified as Talya Hodge, a 26-year-old female unhoused resident of Alamogordo, was located leaving the area of the fire by Alamogordo Police Officers. Hodge later admitted to officers and investigators that she had started the fire.
Hodge was taken into custody and charged with one count of negligent arson, a fourth-degree felony. Hodge was transported to the Otero County Detention Center and is pending her appearance in Otero County Magistrate Court.
Talya Hodge is a known member of the unhoused community and has past arrest warrants and no trespass charges filed against her. Pursuant to a trespassing complaint at McDonalds, was arrested for Trespassing. Ms. Hodge was incarcerated into OCDC pending bond to appear in Municipal Court. 24A-29766. Hodge has past charges from Albuquerque of battery of a police officer, shoplifting, possession of drug paraphernalia and evading police. With other cases involving forgery.