
Good dedicated Alamogordo Public School teachers and administrators continue to do their jobs with commitment, compassion and dedication. Student success in athletics and academics continues to be the goal of these dedicated individuals despite the political pressures of a divided community and a school board whose effectiveness is questionable at best. The educational professionals on the ground, and in the classroom, are to be celebrated for their jobs daily, and the focus and attention to excellence they strive for daily. These educational professionals on the ground with the APS district operate in one of the most difficult and under appreciated professions in America. They are to be celebrated!
It has now been 1 year and one month since the most recently elected Alamogordo Public Schools Board of Education was sworn in and promised vast reforms to the APS school system.
What has been accomplished in that year?
Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent in consulting and legal fees to investigate the past superintendent Pam Renteria to find no wrongdoing and no evidence of violations of statelaw or misconduct. Mrs. Renteria was suspended for 10 months with pay pending investigation. Fact no criminal wrongdoing and the board ran the clock out on her contract paying her to sit idle while also paying an interim superintendent
Have things improved with the APS system in that one year? Graduation rates remain consistent no noticeable improvements. Test scores and academic standards remain stagnate and APS school rankings hsve not inched upward. The shovel has not turned an inch of dirt in the proposed construction of Chaparral Middle School. Much talk minimal results but significant taxpayer dollars spent to no avail.
Now an announcement is made that the APS system has signed a contract with a national search firm seeking applicants to the position of Superintendent. Let the games begin...
On Wednesday, December 18, 2024, the Alamogordo Board of Education approved JG Consulting to conduct a nationwide search for the new Superintendent of Alamogordo Public Schools. JG Consulting will facilitate community engagement events to identify the essential qualities required of the next superintendent. Based on community input, a leadership profile will be created to recruit the future leader of Alamogordo Public Schools.
The community of parents, community members, staff and etc. are encouraged to participate in the recruitment process for the new Superintendent by attending Community Town Hall meeting and completing the Superintendent Search Survey. Board of Education members, staff, students, families, and community members will receive invitations to complete the Survey and/or participate in stakeholder focus group sessions.
For student success and to improve community engagement the APS school community's input is invaluable in ensuring that a Superintendent that is a hood fit and will inspire, empower, and excel while leading the Alamogordo Public Schools is necessary.
The process and timeline...
December 2024
Alamogordo Board of Education approved JG Consulting to conduct a nationwide search for the new Superintendent of Alamogordo Public Schools.
January 2025
Board Interviews (Jan 20 – Jan 31): JG Consulting met with board members to discuss the desired attributes and characteristics of the next Superintendent. The insights gathered will inform the development of the Leadership Profile.
February 2025
Superintendent Search landing page launched on the district website.
Online Superintendent Search Survey released.
Community Engagement (Feb 10 – Feb 19): This phase includes the Town Hall meeting and individual stakeholder sessions. Feedback collected will further shape the Leadership Profile.
Community Input, Leadership Profile Review, and Timeline Confirmation (Feb 19): JGC will meet with the Board during their regularly scheduled meeting to finalize the timeline, review community input, and approve the Leadership Profile (job description).
In the crucial process of selecting a new leader for Alamogordo Public Schools, it is essential to listen to the community's input. The Alamogordo School Board invites the entire community to share input to build a leadership profile for the next Superintendent of Alamogordo Schools during Community Town Hall:
When: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 | 6:00 pm
Where: Alamogordo School Board Room | 1211 Hawaii Ave, Alamogordo, New Mexico
Superintendent Search Survey
All citizens, families, staff, and students are invited to provide input to build a leadership profile for the next Superintendent of Alamogordo Public Schools by completing the Superintendent Search Survey by Tuesday, February 18th. To foster open feedback from constituents, all responses will be anonymized and aggregated before being presented to the School Board and the public.
Individuals interested in becoming the next Superintendent of Alamogordo Public Schools should complete an application with JG Consulting. All applications will be reviewed for candidacy.
Applications are opening soon!