
Local Democratic Party Chapter that used to operate as the Democrats of Otero County (DPOC) continues to be embroiled in turmoil; as the state party expelled one former member of the executive committee, and the local chairwoman has now resigned. broke the news almost a year ago, prior to last years municipal elections about chaos and unrest within the local DPOC establishment. Meetings were disrupted and ultimately suspended by the state Democratic Party.
On August 29th, 2023 the state DPNM ordered the local party dismantled and to cease any activities turning all resources back to the state level leaving DPOC with no authority nor ability to support candidates.
The state committee has attempted a mediation, to bridge issues within membership, to a limited success.
The state committee held what they termed as an internal judicial inquiry into the local party, and most specifically Mathew Crecelius, which was released from responsibility of treaurer, released from the executive committee of DPOC and ultimately suspended, pending the internal investigation by state officials.
State officials ultimately ruled on the outcome of the investigation and sent a letter to membership thst it has censored and expelled Mathew Crecelius...
Mr. Crecelius provided, no comment to Anthony Lucero of of whom he has attacked on social media, as well as this outlet. However he did place a post on social media that said...
Now, in further developments of the situation within DPOC, the local chairwoman, Brianna Martinez, whose tenure was embroiled with the controversy resulting in the suspension and shutdown of the local party through 2 election cycles has now resigned.
Her resignation letter to the state suggests thst most state leadership is not to communicate with her and shows a tone of disdain...
Ms. Martinez then submitted a letter to select Democrats outlining her beef and her positions as to why she is resigning...
The state leadership submitted a letter to members that stated...
"Good evening, Otero County Democratic leaders,
We have two pieces of new information to share with you, some of which you may already know.
First, the recent vacancy in the Otero County SCC membership resulting from the removal of Matt Crecelius has been filled by SCC Alternate Mark Praught, so your elected SCC members are now the following people:
in addition to DPOC Vice Chair Glenn Melton, who serves as an automatic SCC member.
Second, today DPOC Chair Brianna Martinez submitted her resignation, so the position of County Chair is currently vacant and the associated SCC position is also vacant. Brianna Martinez's resignation is attached here FYI.
Internal Party Affairs
Democratic Party of New Mexico
We have reached out to party officials that claim they are attempting to work through the mechanics to relaunch a collaborative and cohesive DPOC organization in the new year. Stay tuned...