
KRAZY’s “Anthony Lucero Reports” broke the story on Monday, that the local Otero County Chapter of the Democratic Party of Otero County was now under the supervision and scrutiny of the state Democratic Party.
The party has announced it is no longer hosting in-person meetings due to the hostile environment leadership has perpetuated. In a letter from the local party chairwoman Briana Martinez she claims that the party is having “some internal conflict between members. DPNM is now stepping in to help us mediate and get these conflicts resolved….“ She continues, “For the time being the following changes will take place:
1. General County Meetings will NOT take place.
2. Business Meetings will be run virtually only and DPNM will be facilitating…
3. In person meetings and events are cancelled.”
Reaction to this situation was poorly received by local Democratic party members.
Per Democratic activists Ashley Myers, whom is battling cancer and led the petition drive to repeal the ultra conservative City of Alamogordo antiabortion resolution last year posted a comment that read:
“Just listen to the first story. Matthew Crecelius has been banned from any and all meetings of the Democratic Party while he is being investigated for his many abuses (proof in comments). At the same time, all meetings have been canceled.
And how incredibly disingenuous to say it’s because of “internal conflicts” when the reality is ONE MAN has terrorized anyone and everyone who doesn’t fall in step with HIM.
I mean, we’ve been told they’ll be held via zoom (also in comments) but after all the lip service by the Democratic Party of New Mexico why should we believe them? They’ve basically banned him from things that no longer exist. I, for one, am tired of the lip service.”
Mr. Lucero interviewed past local party chairwoman, Stephanie Dubois as well as state DPNM party officials that confirmed that are “assisting the local party to straighten things out” and they confined they are investigating State Central Committee Member, CCC member and local candidate screening committee chair Mathew Crecelius.
As reported by Mr. Lucero; Mr. Crecelius has been suspended from engaging in any Democratic Party Political activities while an investigation into his conduct and harassment of party members. Per a leaked memo to Mr. Lucero, Crecelius is not to engage in any political activities hosted or sponsored by the Democratic Party and the party will be reviewing his social media posts past and ongoing during the investigation…
Apparently, Mr. Crecelius is flippant about the process, and at the state officials, as he now taunts them and the process on social media…
He also continues to taunt those on social media he has a history of harassing…
Mr. Crecelius has a history of taunting, misconduct, misrepresenting facts and as a result ending up in litigation.
He fains the excuse and his defenders such as ex party leader Jeff Swanson claim he escalates due to issues involving PTSD due to his military experience.
However if one reviews his history prior to his role at DPOC one sees he has a history of misconduct that even resulted in him being busted down a rank in the military, prior to the PTSD excuse.
Beginning with his high school years he failed to follow the rules of conduct and respect authority. While attempting to enter the army he was short ¼ of a credit needed to graduate high school. Making up that credit meant two weeks of summer school; two weeks too late for the high school Civil Air Patrol member to enter the US Army on delayed enrollment.
”The Army recruiter used ‘colorful language’ and treated me like crap when I told him I had to wait. With my limited knowledge of military protocol, I talked back to him and walked out. ”
Thus at a young age and until present he has demonstrated behaviors disrespectful of those around him.
By his own admission he has participated in dehumanizing behaviors: “The group mentality at Camp Bucca encouraged us to do things we wouldn’t normally do in real life, like dehumanizing the enemy.”
His military career resulted in him locating to Holloman Air Force base and here locally before retirement he was ”bumped down from an E6 to an E5,” by his own admission.
Mr. Crecelius wears non-confirming and bad behavior as a badge of honor rather than recognizing what it really is; bad behavior lacking respect for others and common civility.
His bad behaviors are not the result of PTSD and are not unique to his experience with the Democrats of Otero County but are a pattern of a history that has followed him from his failure to graduate high school timely with the required credits, to being busted down in rank while in the military to now another investigation as a result of his “behaviors.”
Mr. Crecelius bad behaviors and participation in activities that violate the civil liberties of individuals resulted in a lawsuit filed naming him and government employees as defendants.
Per the law firm of Derek Garcia and a report by Insider Exclusive Investigative Network Matt Crecelius and an undercover agent participated in an unlawful attack on an Alamogordo citizen violating his 2nd and 4th amendment rights in an act od entrapment using false information to garner a search warrant. The result was a lawsuit making its way through the Federal Courts…
As Ashley Myers explained ”how incredibly disingenuous to say it’s (DPOC Issues are) because of “internal conflicts” when the reality is ONE MAN (Matt Crecelius) who has terrorized anyone and everyone who doesn’t fall in step with HIM.
The issues of DPOC can easily be put to a rest and the focus back to its mission. For DPOC to heal the leadership of Brianna Martinez and those in charge must realize their responsibilities to the party at large and that the protection of Mr. Crecelius is damaging the Democratic Party brand locally and within the state of New Mexico.
The party leadership, both local and state level, must take action to remove Crecelius from a leadership role and realize and accept his history of disruption and nonconformity to societal norms of civility, governance and respect of authority and those around him. His history of disrespect is documented from high school, through a military career to present actions.
By his own admission,” it’s about a basic understanding of right and wrong, it’s about dignity and human rights, it’s about the best way forward.”
The best way forward is for Brianna Martinez and the leadership to recognize this history of bad behaviors, cease the role of enabler and to purge the cancer of Matt Crecelius’s bad behaviors, from the party. Lead and bring civility back to DPOC.
So DPNM general county monthly meetings will not be taking place? And Mathew Crecelius is banned from these meetings? So if he is banned and there is no meetings it doesn't really sound as though he is ban from anything. Right? Hum If this guy is the problem why punish the DPNM party from going to meetings? They may as well have sent a letter out to all democrats suspending them from engaging in any Democratic Party Political activities . Because aren't we? Punish us all for the deeds of one bad apple? What the heck is going on here?