The Alamogordo Public Schools Board Will Meet in Special Session on Monday


The citizens of Alamogordo are now 10 months into the leadership of the school board that was sworn in in January 2024. This new board's most significant action to date was to launch an investigation in school superintendent Pam Renteria and her colleagues and to fund audits, and reviews of contracts signed during her tenure. Mrs. Renteria was suspended with pay and an interim Superintendent Crabtree is operating as the acting superintendent. Both individuals continue to be paid a salary in excess of $100,000 a year while the investigations drone on via politically motivated means. 

The closed door session scheduled for Monday is for the board to review the status of the costly investigations. After the closed door session is a public session to take any action based on discussions in closed session. The meetings are scheduled to begin at 5:30 and the agenda details are below...

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