What’s Happening Around Town: Events, Volunteer Opportunities and Resources


  What’s Happening Around Town: Events, Volunteer Opportunities and Resources

Coming up:

A Spring Fling 2024 on Friday April 19th! Event is from 3 to 7 PM, There will be games, prizes, and much more! Food trucks on site and the event is free. Stop by the Tays Events Center at 2400 Scenic Drive from 3 to 7 this Friday!

Earth Day 2024 will be at the Alameda Park Zoo on Saturday April 20th starting at 9 AM going until 2 PM. Explore and learn about conservation initiatives right in our own community. Butterflies raised by local school students will be released. Don’t miss out on this educational and inspiring event. For more info, visit the City of Alamogordo website.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Otero County will be hosting their 3rd annual Car Show and Vendor Fair on Saturday April 20th starting at 10 AM at 201 Dale Scott Avenue. If you’re interested in participating or are looking for more info, call 575-437-3788.

The NMDOT is hosting a child and car booster seat replacement event on Saturday April 27th from 10 AM to Noon. This will be at the NMDOT Yard at 7697 Highway 54/70 between Alamogordo and Tularosa. The child and car seat must be present to be considered for a seat replacement. There is no charge for this service, however a car seat replacement fee of $35 may apply. For more info, call 1-800-231-6145.

Otero Arts Inc is hosting their 2nd Veteran Arts Showcase in June and are hoping service members, veterans and their families will share some of your work with the community. They are looking for visual artists, writers and performers. Application deadline is May 1st, you can find an application by going to Otero Arts dot Org or call Lori at 845-797-3642.

Children's Music Theater of Alamogordo’s Spring Production of Beauty and the Beast is coming up in May! Showtimes at 7 PM on May 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th, with a Sunday matinee at 2 PM on May 5th. Tickets are $5 for 12 and under, $10 for over 12 and are available at Flickinger Center dot com. Purchase your tickets early, these shows sell out!

The Young Lawyers Division of the State Bar of New Mexico is hosting its annual Ask-A-Lawyer Call-In Program on Saturday May 4th from 9 AM to Noon. If you have legal questions about employment law, divorce, child support, landlord and tenant issues, personal injury, estate planning, real estate and more, you can call 1-800-876-6227. For more info, visit the State Bar of New Mexico Website.

The New Mexico State Bar Foundation’s Legal Resources for Elderly Program will be hosting a free in-person legal workshop on Thursday May 9th at the Alamo Senior Center. The Power of Attorney clinic will be from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM and the legal workshop will be from 10 to 11:30 AM and will cover many important topics like advance health care directives, probate and more. For more info, call 1-800-876-6657.

Thrive in Southern New Mexico is hosting a 5K Colorfest Fun Run at Griggs Field on Saturday May 18th beginning at 8 AM. If you register by May 1st – cost is $25, it will be $30 afterwards. There is also a 1 mile fun run and walk for kids – cost is $15. For more info, go to let’s thrive nm dot org and find Fun Run under the Events tab.

Holloman AFB - 49th Wing will be hosting their Holloman AFB Legacy of Liberty Air Show 2024 on Sunday June 2nd 2024! The Thunderbirds will return to perform at this year’s air show. They are currently looking for businesses or organizations that work in the STEM field to be vendors. For more info, about becoming a STEM vendor, call 321-419-8185.

Alamogordo Public Schools, the City of Alamogordo - Government and the Alamogordo Police Department are offering the Ferguson Summer Academy Internship, July 1st through July 19th. The internship is named in honor of Officer Anthony Ferguson who lost his life in the line of duty. This internship will provide valuable training and experience for local students who are interested in law enforcement and public safety careers. Deadline to register is June 7th. For more info or to register – go to the Alamogordo Public Schools website and click on the careers tab.

Upcoming Events…

Local High School Sports:

This week's schedule


Saturday – Alamogordo vs. Centennial 9 AM


Thursday – Tularosa at Mescalero Apache 3 PM

Friday – Alamogordo at Mayfield 5 & 7 PM

Saturday – Mescalero Apache at Mesilla Valley Christian 3 PM


Thursday - Tularosa vs. Capitan 2 & 4 PM

Friday – Alamogordo vs. Mayfield 5 & 7 PM

Saturday – Tularosa vs. Mescalero Apache 11 AM

Track & Field

Friday – Mescalero, Tularosa and Cloudcroft at Capitan 3 PM, Alamogordo at Clovis 3 PM


Monday – Mescalero Golf at Socorro

Tuesday – Alamogordo Golf at Chaparral (Painted Dunes GC)

This season, all Alamogordo Public Schools regular athletic events will be no charge! This is a part of the “Return of the Roar” initiative uniting the community in support of APS students. For more info visit return of the roar dot com.

Volunteer Opportunities and More!

The Alamogordo City Commission meetings are on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM at City Hall - 1376 E. Ninth Street in the Commission Chambers. For more information on the meeting agenda, you can visit the City of Alamogordo Website or call the City Clerk at 439-4100. You can also stream the meeting or watch previous meetings by visiting the city commission tab on the City’s website. (April 23rd is the next meeting, May 14th after that

The Otero County Commission has their regular meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 9 AM at 1101 New York Avenue, Room 123. You can view the agenda for the next meeting by visiting the county’s website co.otero.nm.us. You can also call 575-437-7427 for more information. (May 9th is the next meeting, June 13th after that)

The Alamogordo Public Schools Board of Education meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6 PM in the Board Meeting Room at 1211 Hawaii Avenue. The agenda for the meeting is available at the APS administration office at the same address, or online at Alamogordo schools dot org. For more info, call 575-812-6000. (April 17th is the next meeting, May 15th after that).

White Sands National Park offers Sunset Strolls daily starting at 6:30 PM – learn about the unique resources that make White Sands special on a half mile hike along sandy dunes. For more info, visit the White Sands National Park Website.

White Sands National Park will have their Moonlight Hike on Wednesday April 23rd starting at 7:30 PM. This is your chance to enjoy the peace and serenity of the dunes under the moonlight and experience unique stories of the park. These hikes are offered once a month through November. For more info, go to the white sands national park website. Cost is $8 per adults, $4 per child.

White Sands National Park has a Full Moon Night each month May through October – the park will extend it’s closing hours until 11 PM and you can enjoy the park under the bright Full Moon. The first Full Moon Night is May 23rd starting at 8 PM. Check the White Sands National Park website for list of live music, ranger programs and their special guests presenters and artists for each event.

Oliver Lee Memorial State Park will have a family friendly hike to Lawson Springs each Saturday through May. It’s a moderate trip, roughly a mild round trip. The views of the Tularosa Basin are fabulous and the springs are pretty with shady cottonwood trees. Well behaved dogs on leashes are allowed. Meet at the Visitor Center at 10 AM. Cost is $5 per vehicle. For more info, call 575-437-8284.

Oliver Lee Memorial State Park offers Star Parties throughout the year presented by the Alamogordo Astronomer’s group. Meet at the Group Shelter, regular park entrance fees apply, for more info call 575-437-8284. The next Star Party is on Saturday May 11th from 8 to 10 PM and will focus on the crescent moon and the beginning of the Globular Cluster Season.

Bethel Baptist Church at 1316 Scenic Drive in Alamogordo provides “Bags of Hope” on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 9 AM to 11 AM. If you’re in need of food, you can pick up a free bag of shelf stable food. For more info, contact Erin at 575-491-2900. (next pickup day is May 11th)

Join the Alamogordo Public Library for their Book Club each month. You can be a part of the discussion in person, on Facebook or both. Be sure to like the Alamogordo Public Library Book Club group on Facebook. For more info on this month’s topic, call 575-439-4148. The next meeting will be on May 4th from 1 to 3 PM.

Every month, The Worship Center partners with State & Federal government agencies to be a distribution site for the FOR Otero Food Bank. If you are in need of food, please come by. Check-in starts at 9 AM and you can register online to see if you qualify. The next event is on Thursday May 2nd. For more info, call 575-437-8922.

PSA’s – Time’s may change

Pregnancy Resources Plus Alamogordo is looking for volunteers to help offer services to young women in our city. If you are interested in volunteering, call 575-434-5525 for more information. There are many ways to help and many time slots are as little as 4 hours, one day a week. You can also visit P-R-P-Alamo.org for more information.

Keep Alamogordo Beautiful is looking for local youth groups who would like to make a difference in Alamogordo. The Keep Alamogordo Beautiful Youth Group Partnership will provide up to $300 per event for your group by participating in beautification projects around the city. For more info, go to Keep Alamogordo Beautiful dot org or call 575-439-4250.

The Farmer’s and Craft Market of Otero County takes place every Saturday morning at Tractor Supply at 2900 North White Sands Boulevard. The market goes from 8:30 AM to 11 AM. For over 50 years, this is the areas oldest year round market that brings you fresh produce from around the area. For more info, visit the Farmer’s Market of Otero County Facebook page or call 575-430-2081.

The Alamogordo Family Recreation Center host a Board Game Night every Monday from 6 to 8 PM. The staff will highlight a different game each week while providing various other board games to choose from and play with friends and family. For more info, go the Alamogordo Family Rec Center website or call 575-439-4142.

The Alamogordo Public Library Story Time is on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s starting at 10:30 AM. Join them as they work on pre-reading skills and have some fun with stories and a craft. They will do the same thing each week on both days, so pick the day that works best for you. This event is free and no registration required. For more info, call 575-439-4140, extension 4157.

The Alamogordo Public Library hosts Teen Café the 3rd Wednesday month from 3 to 4 PM. There will be activities, crafts and snacks. For people in grades 9 through 12. For more info, call 575-439-4140, extension 4157.

The Alamogordo Public Library hosts Middle School Meet-up on the 4th Wednesday of the month from 3 to 4 PM. There will be activities, crafts and snacks. For people in grades 6 through 8. For more info, call 575-439-4140, extension 4157.

The Alamogordo Public Library offers one-on-one computer assistance on Tuesday and Thursdays from 3 to 4 PM and on Wednesdays from 11 AM to Noon. The reference staff will help with basic computer skills such as setting up and accessing email, navigating websites, completing online forms, accessing ebooks and audio books and more – call 575-439-4148.

The Alamogordo Public Library offers Notary Services Mondays and Tuesday from 10 AM to 5:30 PM, Wednesday and Thursday from 10 AM to 4:30 PM and also on Saturday from 11 AM to 4:30 PM. For more information on these services, call 575-439-4140.

The Special Olympics program in Otero County always looking for motivated and enthusiastic people that want to make a difference in our community. Coaches and volunteers can join the program now as well as athletes for various athletic teams as well. For more info, you can call Mario Estrada at 575-430-8381.

The Counseling Center maintains the highest level of professional standards and offers an array of comprehensive services to residents of Otero and Lincoln Counties. They provide Mental Health Services, Substance Use Services, both group and individual; Marriage/relationship counseling, Family and Children Services, Tele-Med Services and more. Call Today 575-488-2500.

Recovery begins at day one! Join the Counseling Center’s Recover Group every Friday from 3:30 pm. Space is limited, please call 575-488-2500 at the Counseling Center 10th and College.

The Otero County Overdose Prevention program is ready to help. Narcan kits and training are available at no charge! You can help a loved one struggling with addiction should the worst happen. Call the Counseling Center today for the Otero County Overdose Prevention Program 575-488-2500.

The Alameda Park Zoo is looking for volunteers. Help the zoo educate people about the animals, learn why zoos are important and understand why zoos are vital to wildlife conservation while having fun! If you are at least 16 years old, you can fill out an application on the Zoo website or call 575-439-4290 for more information.

The Alamo Senior Center is looking for volunteers for their Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion programs. Foster grandparents will provide service to youth and students in local schools. Senior Companions will help frail, disabled, or terminally ill homebound senior citizens. You must 55 or older to volunteer, for more info, contact Ryan at 575-439-4150.

The Civil Air Patrol meets every Tuesday from 6 to 8 PM at White Sands Regional Airport. You can learn about Search & Rescue, Aerospace Education and Youth Development through their Cadet program. These meetings are for adults and children aged 12 to 17. If you have questions, text Benjamin at 262-716-8759, you can also visit go civil air patrol dot com.

The State Bar of New Mexico offers virtual Workshop & Legal Clinics through their website - you can find those by searching “State Bar of New Mexico Workshop” online to find the page. Many different topics are covered including Consumer Debt and Bankruptcy, Common Legal Issues for Senior Citizens, Veterans Civil Legal Advice and more. For more info, you can call Brandon at 505-797-6040 or to register you can call 505-797-6005.

You can become a Big Brothers Big Sisters mentor today – BBBS of Otero County is looking for people who can spend 4 to 6 hours a month mentoring a little. You can also recommend littles, children 6 to 14, to the program. For more info, contact Brenda at 575-708-0716. Check them out on Facebook as well.

Oliver Lee Memorial State Park offers Oliver Lee Ranch House Tours on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the month. The reconstructed house, originally built in 1893, features furnishings and displays that provide a window into the history of early ranching in the Tularosa Basin. Regular entrance fees to the park apply – for more info, visit the Oliver Lee Memorial State Park website or call Kate at 575-437-8284.

The New Mexico Museum of Space History’s Launch Pad Lecture Series is the 1st Friday of each month from 9 to 11 AM. Each event has a different guest speaker discussing various topics each month. For more info, you can call 575-437-2840 or visit the New Mexico Space Museum or International Space Hall of Fame Foundation Websites.

The New Mexico Museum of Space History offers an Astronomy League that meets the 2nd Thursday of each month from 7 to 8:30 PM in the Clyde W. Tombaugh education building on the campus of the Museum of Space History. All ages and skill levels are welcome and the program is free, for more info, contact Tony Gondola at 575-437-2840.

The Rotary Club of Alamogordo meets every Wednesday from 12 to 1 PM at Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center. Join them for lunch and learn more about their club – you can also visit their website at www.rotaryclubofalamogordo.com.

The Rotary Club of Tularosa meets every Tuesday from 12 to 1 PM at Casa de Suenos Restaurant at 35 St. Francis Drive in Tularosa. For more information, you can email Jessica at rotary@tularosa.net.

The Rotary Club of White Sands meets every Thursday at 12:05 PM at the Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center Conference Center 2669 Scenic Drive. For more information, you can visit their website at https://whitesandsrotary.org.

New Day Al-Anon Family Groups meets every Tuesday at 5:30 PM via Zoom and email. These meetings are a place to receive support for family and friends of alcoholics. For more info, you can contact Wanda 575-921-9302.

The Flickinger Guild holds their monthly meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Noon at Patron’s Hall at 1106 New York Avenue. This meeting is open to the public and anyone that is interested in The Flickinger Center for Performing Arts is encouraged to attend. For more info, call 575-437-2202.

Otero County Advocates for Developmental Disability or OCADD (pronounced Oh-cad), meets every other Wednesday at 6:30 PM at the Starbucks inside Albertsons Market. Their mission is to support community inclusion and support employment for individuals with developmental disability. For more info on OCADD or their meetings, call Christina at 575-921-2193.

The Friends of the La Luz Range meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Sidney Paul Gordon Shooting Range - Otero County at 19 Rock Cliff Road in La Luz. They will meet to discuss improvements for the shooting range and you can learn how to become a member. For more info on this meeting or the Sidney Paul Gordon Shooting Range, call Nan at 575-921-3416 or Ward at 575-437-2421. You can also visit their website at www.follr.org.

Books Revisited in the White Sands Mall is always in need of Volunteers to help re-stock, shelve, inventory or remove out of date books among other activities. Books Revisited is a non-profit business that gives back to the community by donating time, magazines and books to COPE, the Alamogordo Senior Center and other organizations throughout Otero County. For more info on all things Books Revisited, call Tom at 575-921-8002 or follow them on Facebook.

Friends of Dog Canyon will have Coffee & Conversation at Oliver Lee Memorial State Park the 1st Saturday each month. Park volunteers and staff will be on hand to answer questions about our area’s history, plants and wildlife. This is your chance to be social, meet your fellow campers and maybe learn something new. For more info, contact Kate at 575-437-8284.

Sunspot Solar Observatory offers weekend tours the 1st weekend of each month at 11:30 AM, both Saturday and Sunday. Begin with an engaging presentation on the sun & the unique telescope. You’ll then take an in depth tour of the Dunn observation room. For more info, call 575-434-7190.

Free Meals in Otero County – per “100 Percent Otero” the following locations offer free meals weekly on these days

- St. John’s Church (1114 Indiana) – Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 5 to 6 PM, for more info, call 575-430-0473

- Otero Hunger Coalition (at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 1212 Washington), Wednesday at 4:30 PM, for more info call 575-551-2939.

- St. Francis Church (303 Encino Street, Tularosa), Wednesday 3 to 6 PM, call 575-585-2793

- Grace United Methodist Church (1206 Greenwood), Saturday’s from 11 AM to 1 PM, 575-437-7640.

Food Pantries in Otero County – thank “100 Percent Otero” for providing info

The following locations offer food assistance on these days

- Love Inc. (1106 Ohio Avenue) – Monday through Thursday by appointment only, call 575-439-5683

- Salvation Army (1900 1st Street) – Monday through Thursday 9:30 to 11:30 AM & 2 – 4 PM, call 575-443-0845

- Grace United Methodist Church (1206 Greenwood Lane) – Every Thursday from 9 to 11 AM, call 575-437-7640

- Our Lady of the Light Church (4 La Luz Road) – every Tuesday, except 1st Tuesday of the month, 10 AM to 2 PM, call 575-434-9640.

- Christ Community Church (with Roadrunner Food Bank – 2960 North Scenic Drive) – 4th Friday of the month at 8 AM, call 575-437-4241

- Our Savior Lutheran Church (with Roadrunner Food Bank – 1212 Washington Avenue) – 2nd Friday of the month at 9 AM, call 575-495-8343

- NMSU-A Tays Center (2235 Scenic Drive) – 1st Friday of the month starting at 9 AM, call 575-682-6044.

- Immaculate Conception Church (with Roadrunner Food Bank - 7th and Delaware) – 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, 12 to 3 PM, call 575-437-3291

- Tularosa Methodist Church (with Roadrunner Food Bank – 107 Granado Street, ), Every Tuesday 10 AM to 12 PM, except 1st Tuesday of month, call 575-585-2314

- Boles Acres Fire Department (with Roadrunner Food Bank – 10 Sage Avenue) – 4th Wednesday of the month at 9:30 AM, call 575-551-1726.

List of Websites to visit for events

Oliver Lee State Park:


White Sands Natl Park:


Three Rivers Petroglyph Site:


Lincoln National Forest:



Alamogordo Public Library:


Alamogordo Family Recreation Center:


City of Alamogordo


Alamogordo Center of Commerce


Holloman Air Force Base


Alamogordo Public Schools


New Mexico Museum of Space History


Flickinger Center for Performing Arts


Otero County Website


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