Steve “Tio” Brockett faces Ashlie Myers in Primary to Take on John Block


Steve “Tio” Brockett faces Ashlie Myers in Primary to Take on John Block
Steve “Tio” Brockett faces Ashlie Myers in Primary to Take on John Block

John Block District 51 New Mexico Representative announced his intention to seek reelection in 2024. Block ran in the prior election against Rachael Black promising term limits, tax cuts and significant support for Otero County small businesses. To date he has not accomplished any of the promises. 

The New Mexico Political Report in a story by Nicole Maxwell announced that two individuals within the Democratic Party are facing off for a primary run in order to secure a strong opposition candidate to Mr. Block. 

Per the story by Ms. Maxwell…

Two Democrats are looking to face an incumbent Republican in a deep-red district.

The seat is currently held by Rep. John Block, R-Alamogordo, who is running for re-election this year.

The two Democrats are Ashlie Myers, a 44-year-old cancer survivor, and Steve “Tio” Brockett, a 69-year-old retired small business owner.

Myers is running for office “because the man that has the office right now has done basically nothing for Otero County and he files bills that don’t go anywhere. I feel like he just plays partisan games and I’m tired of watching that. I’m so tired of watching the partisanship on both sides. I’m sick of it. People need to work together.”

The mother of a 16-year old also said she was running for the Democratic nomination against Brockett due to his age and the general age gap among legislators.

“He’s cool. I like him a lot. And I decided to do it anyway, because he’s going to be 70,” Myers said. “I just think we need some younger blood around everywhere.”

Brockett, a father and grandfather, is running to represent those of a more moderate persuasion.

“The biggest reason is just to represent the people here. I’m a moderate,” Brockett said. “I think one of the main reasons is because I know being a small businessman and going back and working for family also was there. It seems like there’s a lot that the state could do better in terms of things like, you know, the agencies you have to deal with.”

Brockett was an Alamogordo City Commissioner from 2006-2008 and served as mayor from 2008 until August 2009 when he had to quit to take care of his father who had become ill after Brockett’s mother died that July.

Otero County has always leant conservative even when it was predominantly represented by Democrats, Brockett said.

Within the Republican side there are rumors of a moderate Republican putting feelers out to possibly oppose Mr. Block but no official statement has been released to date.

The Republican establishment seems to fear upsetting the apple cart and opposing the well financed Block due to his allegiance with Yvette Herrell and the Galacinni’s who encouraged and supported the Block/Melton couple to Alamogordo.

 The Gallacini connection and Herrell connection is a financial tie in which Melton is paid for election campaign contributions compliance reporting. Follow the money related to Block and Melton as that’s the source of their political motivations per Republican party insiders. 

Mr. Block has shown to be a lightning rod of controversy in writing legislation that has no chance of passing but garners headlines such as his proposal to impeach the governor.

Mr. Block has tangled with Ms Myers in the past when Mr Block and his domestic partner entangled Otero County and the city of Alamogordo into a meaningless resolution calling Alamogordo a Sanctuary City for the Unborn. Meaningless because it had no power of law. Other cities in New Mexico attempted ordinances to ban abortion clinics. The Block/Melton duo drove headlines with duplicity and demagoguery in a fight in which they bordered on libel with their attacks upon their opponents to include Ms Myer and others in the community.

 The resolutions purpose was to drive attention to Block as a ploy leading up to the house election. 

Ms Myers led a campaign to recall the resolution and was vehemently attacked and mis characterized in her intentions by Block and Melton. 

Mr Block has a reputation for using dirty political gamesmanship in attacking those which oppose him especially using his online organization to propagandize and spread false narratives against his opponents.

Block is a novice and a newcomer relative to Alamogordo

The other candidate Brockett on the other hand, is a known moderate having served as an Alamogordo City Commissioner from 2006-2008 and served as mayor from 2008 until August 2009

Brockett is seen as a moderate that is palatable to both Republicans and Democrats given his history of collaboration with both parties and an interesting choice to potentially take on Block. and KALHRadio Anthony Lucero has reached out to both candidates for an interview.
KALH Radio is also inviting candidates to a forum to be simulcasted closer to the primary.

Once confirmed we will follow up. Stay tuned. 

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