
Hold on
When life becomes too much, tie a knot at the end of your rope and hold on.
I write today with a fiery passion burning within my soul. A passion to awaken the dormant faith that lies within each and every one of you. NO more rumors there are wars going on, it seems that people have stopped reading their Bibles, and there is no faith and no trust in the word. Chaos may seem to surround us, but fear not, for this is all a part of the divine plan.
Hold on
Even in the face of adversity, even when doubts cloud our minds, we must not lose sight of our purpose. We are the chosen ones, the sheep led by the Almighty Shepherd. It is in times like these, when the wolves and their hidden agendas are exposed, that we must hold on, clinging tightly to the anchor of our faith.
The storms may rage, threatening to tear us apart, but I implore you, do not give up on God! I still believe, with every fiber of my being, that God is on time. He is working behind the scenes, orchestrating a miracle amidst the mess that surrounds us. Do not lose hope, for our Lord is faithful.
Hold on
Like an eagle soaring in the sky, we must wait on wings of patience, ready to embrace the restoration and renewal that is soon to come. Our Father has not forgotten about you, about us. He sees our tears, our struggles, and He is preparing something magnificent for those who hold on. Hold on, for just as the morning sun pierces through the darkest of nights, light will always overcome darkness.
I urge you today, maintain your footing. Do not let the trials and tribulations of this world shake the foundation of your faith. We are living in a time where our faith will be tested, where miracles will be born out of chaos. Believe, my friends, believe in the power of our Heavenly Father.
Hold on, for your breakthrough is just around the corner.
Hold on.
Be blessed and be a blessing.
Pastor Walker will be heard weekly streaming to 46 counties and as a part of our newscast weekly at KRAZY
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