Looking visibly shaken and haggard, former Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin and founder of Cowboys for Trump made an appearance in Otero County Detention Center Orange attire in a release hearing before Judge Seacrest the afternoon of 5-22-23 in Alamogordo.
Judge Seacrest read Couy Griffin his rights when Couy claimed he was never mirandized. The charges leading to the arrest of Mr. Griffin were 3 criminal trespass misdemeanor charges and 2 criminal harassment charges. The maximum sentence for each is 364 days in jail and or a fine.
Mr. Griffin feel into this mess before the courts due to a tenant dispute on a property that is titled to his mother.
The details that are known and are confirmed is there is a lawsuit filed in Otero County Magistrate Court that began as a landlord tenant dispute and appears to have escalated. The filed case is case number M-36-CV-202300205. The case names Chris Lord, Couy Griffin and his mother Susan Griffin as defendants with the plaintiff Dewayne Braithwaite.
The origin of the battle was a case filed the week prior case number M-38-CV-202300191 filed by Susan Griffin which was the springboard for this escalation of events…
Videos have circulated this last week produced by the plaintiff alleging harassment and intimidation. Social media dialogue has shown a handwritten complaint that was filed with the courts as a part of the complaint.
The issues escalated. Mr. Griffin is no longer on the title of the property to his presence on the property was a violation of the law as he has no standing to be on the property is the allegation.
The minutes to the case before Judge Seacrest are transcribed via software that and uses for such occasions...
Judge Seacrest: Mr. Griffin, how are you today?
Defendant Couy Griffin: Uh, not very well. Okay.
Judge Seacrest: Did you get to watch the advice or Rights video, sir?
Defendant Couy Griffin: Did I what?
Judge Seacrest: Did you get to watch the advice or rights video?
Defendant Couy Griffin: No, I haven't even had my Miranda rights read to me.
Judge Seacrest: Alrighty.
Judge Seacrest: Mr. Griffin, gimme a moment to let me read you your advice or rights. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and be used against you in court. [00:00:30] You have the right to know the charges against you. You have the right to know the maximum and minimum mandatory requirements for the penalties. You have the right to see here question and cross-examine any who witness who may testify. You have the right to call witnesses and present evidence on your own behalf. You have the right to a court appointed attorney now, or at any stages of these proceedings. You have the right to a court appointed attorney if you cannot afford one. You have the right to be presumed innocent unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Did you understand your rights when I read 'em to you, [00:01:00] sir?
Defendant Couy Griffin: Yes, your honor.
Judge Seacrest: Alrighty. Okay, Mr. Griffin, you have five charges against you right now. You have count one is criminal trespass, unposted, which is a misdemeanor, found guilty of that. So you could be sentenced to 364 days in jail and up to a thousand dollars fine. Count two is criminal trespass unposted a misdemeanor. If found guilty of that, you could be sentenced up to 364 days in jail and up to a thousand dollars fine. Count three is also criminal trespass, [00:01:30] unposted a misdemeanor. If found guilty of that, you'd be sentenced up to a 364 days in jail and up to a thousand dollars fine. Okay. Count four is harassment, which is a misdemeanor. If found guilty of that, she could be sentenced to 364 days in jail and up to a thousand dollars fine. Count five is also harassment a misdemeanor. If found guilty of that, she could be sentenced up to 364 days in jail and up to a fi a $1,000 fine. Do you understand the charges and potential penalties [00:02:00] against you, sir?
Defendant Couy Griffin: Yes, your honor.
Judge Seacrest: Okay. At this time, would you like an attorney?
Defendant Couy Griffin: Yes, your Honor.
Judge Seacrest: I didn't hear you, Mr. Griffin? Yes.
Defendant Couy Griffin Yes, your Honor. Okay.
Judge Seacrest: Can you hire an attorney?
Defendant Couy Griffin: Not at the moment.
Judge Seacrest: Okay. I'm gonna point you a public defender. Okay. All
Defendant Couy Griffin: Right.
Judge Seacrest: And at this time, I'm putting in a plea of not guilty for you, okay?
Defendant Couy Griffin: [00:02:30] That's correct.
Judge Seacrest: I'm gonna check your background real quick, [00:03:00] sir. I'm not gonna fill in the paperwork for your, on this conditions of release. Um, you'll have to provide that in there just to keep your address and your cell phone number, um, to yourself. Okay? So we'll get some paperwork here when you in a later date, and I need you to fill that out for me, okay?
Defendant Couy Griffin: No problem
Judge Seacrest: [00:03:30] But at that time, would you like to receive courtesy, text message, or reminders of future criminal court dates?
Defendant Couy Griffin: Uh, yes, please.
Judge Seacrest: Okay. [00:04:00] Sir, are you currently employed right now?
Defendant Couy Griffin: Well, no. Yeah, today was supposed to have been my first day back on a job that I've [00:04:30] been waiting for, for a long time. And you know, I set, I was, yeah, they were, I was supposed to be on, on the job this morning.
Judge Seacrest: Okay, sir. All right, sir, I've looked at your record. You've always shown up to your court dates. You do have no failures to appear or anything else for me to hold you for. Okay. Today, you will be released on your own recognizance. You're not to return. The conditions of release far as follows, you're not to return to the lo location of the alleged incident. You're not [00:05:00] to consume cannabis or cannabis products or synthetic cannabinoids without a certification from a medi, a licensed medical practitioner. You're not to buy, sell consumer possess illegal drugs. You need to notify the court of any change of address. You need to maintain contact with your public defender's office after your release date today, you have three business days to go by and check in with them. Their service, their offices are located on the corner of 24th in Florida. Do you know where that's at?
Defendant Couy Griffin: Uh, yes.
Judge Seacrest: Okay. So three days. Make sure you go by there and talk to them, okay? All right. [00:05:30] You need to avoid all contact with the alleged alleged victim or anyone else who may testify in this case, okay?
Defendant Couy Griffin: Okay.
Judge Seacrest: You need to submit the drug and alcohol testing upon the request of the court
Defendant Couy Griffin: Absolutely.
Judge Seacrest: okay. You need to maintain employment.
Defendant Couy Griffin: That's, that's fine.
Judge Seacrest: Okay. And you need to be on pretrial supervision, abide by the pretrial services. Okay?
Defendant Couy Griffin: All right.
Judge Seacrest: You have 72 hours [00:06:00] to go by and check in with them. They're located on the corner of New York and 10th Street at the courthouse.
Defendant Couy Griffin: Okay?
Judge Seacrest: Yes, sir. You will be released on your own recognizance. Okay.
Defendant Couy Griffin: I just wanted, wanted to know for the record that this has been a really, a hard, a difficult situation to have gone through. But thank
Judge Seacrest: You. Best of luck to you. Have a good day.
Defendant Couy Griffin 2: Yeah, appreciate.
END of Transcript
A recording of the hearing via a podcast on by Anthony Lucero can be listened to at: Couy Griffin Audio of Hearing