The Mayor of Alamogordo, Susan Payne, received threats and calls for her death as reported in a live interview with KALH Radio’s Anthony Lucero in a breaking news report.
Click on the link to the interview to hear examples of hostility in calls received as proof of hateful calls against Mrs Payne and the completed interview with Mrs Payne by KALH Radio Anthony Lucero…
The incidents began with tensions off the charts with protesters in front of Alamogordo High School, from an extremist religious group, not from Alamogordo attempting to stir up hate and disrupting peace in front of the high school all last week.
Susan Payne, as herself on her personal web page, and not in any professional capacity as mayor, posted a quote on Facebook clearly stating this is her personal page closed and open only to her friends and not official page.
Sunday the 15th Payne posted the following “don’t worry about the things you can’t control, sometimes you just have to pray, put it in Gods hands and leave it alone. Pray about it today and leave it alone, Amen.”
She followed it with “this also applies to cop hating blue haired freaks who are desperate to be TikTok stars.” Note per report ing by Anthony Lucero’s story, no one was named.
In an interview for Alamogordo Town News on KALH Radio by Anthony Lucero she explained “no one knows who I was talking about, it doesn’t matter, I didn’t put a name, assumptions were made.”
A person by the name of Jenny Buckley per KALH Radio reporting by Anthony Lucero, responded via a TikTok post, “It’s telling, that she is doing a lot more to —-talk me, one of her constituents then she is to deal with the hate group…”
However Susan Payne, per her statement claims has been keeping watch on the
the group. She has been asking questions both as a private citizen, and via her professional capacity, though actions are limited due to constitutional limitations.
Ms. Buckley per the reporting of Anthony Lucero, implied Susan Payne has not been seen out there once defending the kids.
However KALH reports in an interview with Mrs. Payne by Anthony Lucero, that to be untrue.
Mrs Payne was out there but chose not to post photos ops of her visit. Per Susan Payne, “I did go out there again I’m sorry I didn’t do a photo op. I didn’t know that I needed to, I assure I was there and can prove I was there long before others.”
Note per Mr. Lucero’s reporting, “Buckley is not the only blue haired critic of Susan Payne from the area. “
On the plus side, per the radio report, Buckley did identify the protesters as “Cry to God Ministries” which appears to be nothing more than an hate group of the facsimile of the old Westboro Baptist Church that used to protest funeral of soldiers and gays and is nothing but hate with a new coat of paint.
Like the Westboro folks, the 1st Amendment does allow these freak shows to appear; free speech is not always pleasant nor tasteful speech, and there are limits to what law enforcement and citizens can do to block this display of hate.
Sadly the flood gates from this have spiraled into hate at the local level with a few radical citizens also going after and threatening Susan Payne.
There is NO justification for hate directed toward Ms Payne, via threats and phone calls as reported in Mr Luceros story on KALH are uncalled for.
Civil dialog is a must for a civil society.
Ms Payne received several unnerving and even some threatening voice mails, one voice mail called for her execution and another called her a Nazi sympathizer.
For those that don’t know Mrs Payne, she was born into the Jewish faith, and her family practices elements out of both Christian and Jewish traditions.
Mrs. Payne has been working hard on this issue reviewing what legally the city can do.
Mrs Payne, though this interview with Anthony Lucero for Alamogordo Town News on KALH Radio further explained that she was not speaking as the mayor but as a private citizen, in her professional role daily the nonprofit she leads ensures 196 at risk children are fed weekly, she works for domestic violence victims and helps with the homeless. She is committed to the betterment of the Alamogordo community.
The attacks on her is a concern for her and her grandchildren’s safety. Mrs Payne has grandchildren that attend Alamogordo High School, so she certainly cares about the safety of the kids enrolled there.
Hear the complete interview and hear a few of the hate calls and threats made to Mrs. Payne and the complete story as reported by by Anthony Lucero on the Alamogordo Town News on KALH Radio edition:
To stay updated on live and breaking Alamogordo Town News with Anthony Lucero and information via live stream.