Photo Log of Tiger Class of 1972 Reunion at the Gardens of New York and a Tour of the Soon to be Refurbished Sands Theater

Image The Alamogordo Tiger Class of 1972 visits The Sands Theater pre-rehabilitation

The Alamogordo High School Class of 1972 reunion ended a weekend of activities Sunday enjoying breakfast in the Gardens of New York.

Their Sunday morning adventure included arts showcased by the artisans of New York Art and Music, to include meeting local artisan, Dottie Moon, and her fine jewelry creations and gallery owner Lydia Aspen Renteria.  

The class was treated in the gardens to live acoustical guitar music by Josef Renteria, trivia with giveaways of books showcasing Alamogordo’s sports heritage biography of Coach Bob Sepulveda, and a tour of the pre-rehabilitation of the historic Sands Theater.

A photo journal of the Sunday activities in the Alamogordo New York Avenue Cultural Arts and History District is below…

Class of 1972 Reunion, Gardens of New York, 1120 York Avenue Alamogordo’s Cultural Arts and History District
Class of 1972 Reunion, Gardens of New York, 1120 York Avenue Alamogordo’s Cultural Arts and History District
Class of 1972 Reunion, Gardens of New York, 1120 York Avenue Alamogordo’s Cultural Arts and History District
Josef Renteria acoustics at the Gardens of New York, 1120 New York Avenue Alamogordo’s Cultural Arts and History District
Class of 1972 Reunion, Gardens of New York, 1120 York Avenue Alamogordo’s Cultural Arts and History District
Class of 1972 Reunion, Gardens of New York, 1120 York Avenue Alamogordo’s Cultural Arts and History District
More News from Alamogordo Class of 1972 Touring the Aands Theater pre-rehabilitation Class of 1972 Touring the Aands Theater pre-rehabilitation Class of 1972 Touring the Aands Theater pre-rehabilitation Class of 1972 Touring the Aands Theater pre-rehabilitation Class of 1972 Touring the Aands Theater pre-rehabilitation
Lydia Aspen Renteria showing off the fine art via a tour of New York Art and Music, 1120 Néw York Avenue, Alamogordo
Class of 1972 Reunion, Gardens of New York, 1120 York Avenue Alamogordo’s Cultural Arts and History District
Class of 1972 Reunion, Gardens of New York, 1120 York Avenue Alamogordo’s Cultural Arts and History District
Class of 1972 Reunion, Gardens of New York, 1120 York Avenue Alamogordo’s Cultural Arts and History District
Class of 1972 Reunion, Gardens of New York, 1120 York Avenue Alamogordo’s Cultural Arts and History District
Class of 1972 Reunion, Gardens of New York, 1120 York Avenue Alamogordo’s Cultural Arts and History District
Class of 1972 Reunion, Gardens of New York, 1120 York Avenue Alamogordo’s Cultural Arts and History District
Class of 1972 Reunion, Gardens of New York, 1120 York Avenue Alamogordo’s Cultural Arts and History District
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