
Otero Arts Classic Film Series presents the original "Gaslight", Sunday, April 28 @ 2 PM
Otero Arts presents the superb classic thriller "Gaslight" at Otero Artspace at 12th and Indiana, Alamogordo, on Sunday, April 28 at 2:00 PM. Recommended donation $5. "It's a superbly creepy thriller, with universal themes." - Paul ByrnesOfficial trailer:
From Rotten Tomatoes:After the death of her famous opera-singing aunt, Paula (Ingrid Bergman) is sent to study in Italy to become a great opera singer as well. While there, she falls in love with the charming Gregory Anton (Charles Boyer). The two return to London, and Paula begins to notice strange goings-on: missing pictures, strange footsteps in the night and gaslights that dim without being touched. As she fights to retain her sanity, her new husband's intentions come into question.Content collapsed.Genre: Mystery & thrillerOriginal Language: EnglishDirector: George CukorProducer: Arthur Hornblow Jr.Writer: Patrick Hamilton, John Van Druten, Walter Reisch, John L. BalderstonRelease Date (Theaters): May 11, 1944 WideRelease Date (Streaming): Jan 1, 2009Runtime: 1h 54mDistributor: Metro-Goldwyn-MayerProduction Co: Metro Goldwyn MayerAspect Ratio: Flat (1.37:1)This program is made possible, in part, by a grant from New Mexico Arts, a Division of the NM Department of Cultural Affairs, and by the National Endowment for the Arts.
Otero Arts
1118 Indiana
Alamogordo, NM 88310
United States