
Commentary by Steven Edwards - Midget Wrestling and Charter Schools - Wowza Alamogordo

This commentary is solely motivated by my personal opinion and is not a reflection on the business of which I’m an investor. In full disclosure I’m the younger brother of the CEO. 

As a stockholder of 2nd Life Media and AlamogordoTownNews.org I am insanely interested in the goings on of the community of Alamogordo is which I am invested.

I’m a technology executive; self taught and have been employed by some of the largest technology companies in the world. I live in San Diego, visit Alamogordo often, and travel the globe extensively and find Alamogordo: the people and the political dialogue one of the most entertaining places of interest in the globe. It is good for a laugh with my techy friends. 

Only in Alamogordo do you struggle to get people to actually attend a public meeting on spending millions of dollars for a charter school, by a board made up of individuals that are so out of touch with the diversity of Alamogordo that they have to reach and reference a break dancer, an affiliation to a Miss America pageant and refer to their mixed race grandchildren to appear in touch.

Give me a break!!!! 

To the founding board of the charter, just step up and own your whiteness.

Be bold and honest for once and just say “yes, diversity is an afterthought and state mandated. We would not even discuss inclusion if it were not a state mandate. It is our bad, we will attempt to push our whiteness into prospective and put a few token minority members on the board to make peace with the community. You caught us, oops, our bad, now let’s move on and make this thing happen.”

The irony of this week and events at the civic center perfectly explain why the poverty rate, crime rate and poor quality jobs opportunities are the normal for Alamogordo. Look at this week at the civic center. A meeting of the NMPED was hosted and about 40 people were present and most did not even engage in be process. A hearing occurred, pageantry was on display, but it was not a pretty sight.

Then on Saturday evening the same civic center hosted midget wrestling. That’s right midget wrestling and 350 of Alamogordo’s finest citizens were in attendance. No disrespect for the midget wrestlers, I met a few of them over dinner, they were nice stand up fellows. They earned the pay and respect for their performances. They were truly a delight and certainly know the communities to perform in for maximum effect. 

As for Alamogordo, you my friends have met expectations, you have shown what your priorities are!!!  More people came out to
watch midget wrestlers than even voted in most school board district elections. Thus midgets over educators. The vote is for midget wrestling you obviously have a mandate! Come on back! 

The priorities of this community are loud and clear:  education of children and the spending of millions of dollars on a not well thought out nor a fiscally responsible charter school is of no consequence to the majority of Alamogordos citizens.

Midget wrestling on the other hand gets the publics attention and is the reason for public engagement in Alamogordo. 

I have a recommendation for the next candidate for mayor. Announce your candidacy from the wrestling ring, you my friend would be a shoo in! 

-Steven Edwards

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Oh, nice, a SoCal tech bro trashing Alamogordo.

People everywhere struggle to attend public meetings. People everywhere are out of touch with diversity. People everywhere would rather be mindlessly entertained than vote. Nothing you wrote is an #OnlyInAlamogordo moment.

Make sure your techy friends know you're bringing a +1 to your next giggle party. You wouldn't want to leave your strawman back in Alamo.

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