News Tip

DPOC top leadership - practicing opposite of what they preach

DPOC top leadership - practicing opposite of what they preach 

What values does the top leadership of the Democratic Party of Otero county (DPOC) espouse?

And how does that compare with what values they apply in actual practice?

Below is a link to a video that shows actual practice, warts and all. Attached is the public records request I used to obtain this, and other video evidence.

I'm more than happy to help anyone that wants to submit a public records request. It's a vital skill to have, and an important tool to combat misinformation.

Below is context/info about the video, the link to the video, and personal comments. 

Video content trigger warning: conflict, shouting, bad language.

To provide context, what you see is a cell phone being held in front of a police officer's body camera. This is part of a police interview of witnesses to an event that took place at the DPOC office during a happy hour event shortly before the County Central Committee (CCC) meeting and election of the DPOC county chair in late March/early April.

Because it's a camera recording of a cell phone camera recording, video and audio quality is not the best.

The cell phone camera apparently is held at waist level, and is pointing at waist level, or slightly upwards.

The video records at least four minutes of a tense, heated argument that
involves the soon to be elected DPOC county chair Brianna Martinez, Brianna’s mother Monica Martinez, and soon to be elected DPOC county vice-chair Glenn Melton, versus Cathyrn Chevalier.

The video picks up with the argument already in progress. It is unknown how long the argument had already been going.

Some portions of the video have had audio redacted by Alamogordo Police Department.   Cell phone video 24 Mar 2023

Personal Comments:

For at least four minutes, neither Brianna, nor Glenn, nor Monica took any action to defuse the argument taking place in the DPOC offices, during happy hour. There was nothing in the argument that had anything to do with DPOC's mission. It certainly was not a happy nor a pleasant discussion. 

Why let it continue for so long? 

Why was it not defused seconds after it became clear that this was becoming an argument?

This is an ugly video. Nobody looks good in it, and it's a difficult situation that nobody wants to be in. But in difficult times you are far more likely to see the true character of people on display.

I do not like what I see. There are no positive leadership traits here, only negative traits.

Members of DPOC, and the general public need to know how DPOC top leadership sometimes conducts themselves when interacting with others. With this knowledge, people can make informed decisions as they choose how to engage these



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Do what you were elected to do.  People don't wanna hear about your real-estate deals in a DPOC meeting! You're all acting like a bunch of elementary kids on the playground!!!  For gods sake get your act together! You all portray yourselves as a bunch of fools!!  Resign if you're not there to advance the DPOC and make changes that will help our party!!! It's so sad that we cant read about what the democrats are doing to advance our party when we are so close to another huge election.  All you seem to have on your agenda is bickering and more bickering between yourselves. Lets face it your shouldn't be called the Democratic Party Of Otero County,  How bout we just call you all the Democratic Bickerers Of Otero County!!!!!!! Get over yourselves already!!!! 

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