Jay Block's Daughter Goes on Offensive on Politican's Hypocrisy


Maddie Block, 25 has a lot to say about her father, a New Mexico politician and a failed  gubernatorial candidate, Jay Block, and its not the picture of a loving father and  "family values."

"I miss my dad all the time, but I don't know how to mend that bridge," she wrote. "Of course, it's frustrating.  I've been accused online of using the rift with my dad for my fifteen minutes of fame, but that's absolutely not the case. I would much rather have a relationship with my dad than feel I have to use my online platform to talk about this." 

The writer, who is opened up about her changing political views and her fractured relationship with her dad in an essay for Newsweek, sharing that they haven't seen each other in person in two years.

Maddie explained that she was born in Florida, but she lived in multiple states and countries with her 'tight-knit' family while her father was in the U.S. Air Force.

'Like many kids, I was fed his viewpoints and opinions during my childhood, so for a while I thought I was a Republican too,' she recalled.

Maddie was exposed to more liberal views while attending school in Germany and Netherlands. She saw socialized medicine firsthand and did volunteer work with Syrian refugees.

She said that her opinions at the time were often considered to be 'extremely right wing' by her peers, but it wasn't until she was in college and started meeting new people that her political beliefs really started to shift.

Maddie was still close with her father when he retired from the military in 2016 and ran for the Sandoval County Board of County Commissioners.

She found many of his views difficult to hear, including his anti-abortion stance, and they started to butt heads politically in the years that followed.

Maddie claimed that he wouldn't take what she was saying seriously, even when she was factually correct. Her parents also divorced during this time, which added to the strain.

But it was their differing views on the COVID-19 pandemic that led to the end of their relationship in November 2020.

She posted online...

Using the app's greenscreen function, she pulled up his tweet, which said, 'This Court has released rulings protecting our freedoms and life! This has been a great week for liberty and the unborn!!!'

"My "pro-life" politician dad who doesn't speak to any of his living, breathing kids has the AUDACITY," she hit back in the on-screen text.

"The hypocrisy of the Republican party never ceases to amaze me," she captioned the video, which has been viewed more than 1.6 million times.

Maddie admitted in her essay for Newsweek she has conflicted feelings about using her social media platform to bash her father.

"i don't want to sit there and bad mouth my dad, but on the other hand, I have my values and what I think is best for society,' she explained. 'Because my father is an elected official, I think it changes things."

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