
Parents, Mescalero Apache Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Alamogordo Police Department ask the public for help in trying to locate a teenage girl last seem at Alamogordo High School.
The mother of Ania Marrujo is seeking information on the whereabouts of her daughter. Any information should be forwarded to the BIA, Alamogordo Police or her mother.
If you have any information please contact APD at 575-439-4300, BIA at 575-464-4479.
This missing young lady add to the Federal Bureau of Investigations released data from October that showed at the time a total of 195 missing persons of Native American origin across New Mexico and the Navajo Nation.
Update: the teenager has been found and is safe at home with family.
Overcast , with a high of 54 and low of 38 degrees. Sunny in the morning, overcast during the afternoon,
Barela Block are both without the leadership conjones we need to move forward. Sissies lack testosterone right? She's not recuiting she coddles the gays.