
The Alamogordo Public Library reopened to the public on April 12.
The hours are modified and the temporary hours for inside browsing are: Monday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Tuesday, 10 am to 6 pm; Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, 9 am to 12 pm.
Curbside services are offered on Wednesday, from 12 to 2 pm; Thursday and Friday, 2 to 4 pm; and Saturday, 12 to 1 pm. These hours are subject to change.
In accordance with New Mexico Department of Health guidelines, the number of people allowed in the library at any one time will be limited. Visitors are asked to browse no more than 30 minutes to allow library access to as many patrons as possible.
There is not any general seating in the building, computers will be available (reservations are recommended), but staff will not be available to assistance patrons while utilizing the computers.
The library staff highly encourages patrons to continue to use the virtual and curbside services, and only come inside when necessary.
For more information please visit our website at, the library's Facebook page, or call 575-439-4148.