Let Your Voice Be Heard to Prioritize Streets, Water Supply and Sewer Upgrades Public Meeting June 6th 5 pm
City leaders need to hear from you this week, email and speak in person to prioritize roads, sidewalks, sewer and water system infrastructure upgrades.
The is a constant outcry that roads need repaired in the city of Alamogordo but few show up to the public meetings nor send emails to raise the level of pressure required for the commission to act. In the absence of loud and impactful citizen input the commission drives priorities based on the little public feedback it gets or projects that are dear to them.
The City of Alamogordo Commissioners and Alamogordo Grant Coordinator Deborah Osborne named the top five projects in the city's five-year Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP) for 2025 through 2029 in August of 2023. City roads were not in the top 5 for Capital Improvement plans and infrastructure neither was the deteriorating sewer pipes and the water system which each needs significant upgrades.
The ICIP proposed projects cover what city officials and residents deem to be crucial or dire infrastructure projects around the city. These projects may include outdated facilities needing renovations or a new addition to an already in place facility or organization.
According to the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration website, the list does not provide funding rather highlights information about each proposed project for future state and federal funding opportunities.
“The ICIP is used to establish priorities for anticipated capital improvement projects to help prevent emergency situations and it is not a grant application,” Osborne said at an Aug. 8, 2023 commission meeting.
It is now that time of year for citizen input for the next round of capital project priorities.
The 2023 priorities were
- Alamogordo Police Department – Procurement of Police Department Vehicles and Equipment - $500,000
- Bear Enclosure Renovations and Expansion at Alameda Park Zoo - $400,000
- Construct and Equip restroom at Alameda Park Zoo - $350,000
- Library North Patio Renovations - $125,000
- Parks and Recreation – Dudley School Playground - $147,000
Streets, sidewalks, the water and sewage system infrastructure should be a priority over the golf course which has received millions in state money over the last 3 years while infrastructure fails. Every week we see a new water leak with millions of gallons wasted. Per the state the process is
Prioritizing is done for the types of projects outlined:
There is an upcoming public meeting at the Willie Estrada Community Center asking for public comment; June 6th, 2024 at 5 pm.
Written comments may be made until June 5th. Attend the meeting but if you cannot send written comments to dosborne@ci.alamogordo.nm.us
In addition to sending comment to Ms. Osborne copy the comments to the mayors email address and to each of the city commissioners email addresses. A majority of the commission must vote for an item in order for it to be considered for funding. The email addresses of each commissioner is found at
The city of Alamogordo and the county must turn in their requests to the state no later than Counties and Municipalities – Friday, July 12, 2024. It is up to you to make streets, sidewalks, water supply and sewage main upgrades a priority. Let your voice be heard!
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This article states that the golf coarse received millions in the last 3 years but if you could see it today you will see that all the grass is dying from lack of water. Indeed there is dead grass on the actual greens. Which begs the question what did the $3M get spent on ?
The last three years has seen a steady decline in the golf coarse conditions and the proof of this is revealed in the numbers of men’s and women’s handicap sheets. On 9/6/2022 there were 318 Desert Lakes Golf club members on the handicap sheets and on 2/16/2024 there was 192 members on the list. 126 member have quit playing golf and the only reason I can think of because of the condition of the golf coarse.
The reduction in membership equates to less revenue for the city.
And yet there were millions given from the state to the golf course for funding water conservation and recycled water for it. How was that money actually spent if the course is deteriorating? Why is membership dropping with the large investment?