
The New Mexico State Bar Foundation will be holding a free Consumer Debt/Bankruptcy Workshop from 6 to 8 p.m. (MT) on May 22 via Zoom. The workshop, aiming to assist those in need of legal services pertaining to consumer debt and bankruptcy, will consist of a group presentation on bankruptcy, followed by a free one-on-one consultation.
To be paired with an attorney in advance, attendees may call 505-797-6094 and leave their name, phone number and email address to register for the workshop in advance. The consulting attorney will contact registered participants regarding their free one-on-one consultation either the day of or the day after the presentation.
Overcast , with a high of 74 and low of 44 degrees. Overcast in the morning, clear for the afternoon and evening,
Barela Block are both without the leadership conjones we need to move forward. Sissies lack testosterone right? She's not recuiting she coddles the gays.