
The election season is fast upon us and it appears that Representative John Block will secure the Republican nomination as the competitor for the seat to represent Otero County New Mexico for District 51. He will face off in the general election against either Ashie Myers or Steve Brockett in the November General election.
But even before that election the pressure is on him. He is attempting to drum the base for campaign funding in social media posts expressing that he wanted to fix immigration to the south by proposing to spent $1.5 Billion from the coffers of New Mexico's taxpayers to build the border wall. What he fails to tell his base is the transfer of $1.5 Billion from New Mexico to the Federal government does not ensure the border wall would be built as New Mexico has no authority in that regard. The issue with the border wall not being built has nothing to do with money thus his proposal to move $1.5 Billion of New Mexico taxpayer dollars to the feds was just feed for attention to his base. The bill of course to make this move was "dead" as is a majority of the legislation proposed by Otero County's John Block.
Legislators are measured by the success in legislation they sponsor, garner support for and get passed. President Obama's legacy, rather one approves or disapproves, is remembered for Obama Care. President Johnson is remembered for the passage of the civil rights and voting acts. President Biden's legislative priority was the greatest investment in infrastructure in modern times.
An effective state legislator works with the local officials and garners support for big ambitious projects within their district and crafts the legislation then does the hard work of collaboration at the state capital to get those big projects or initiatives and priorities onto the floor for a vote and then passed into legislation.
An example of a truly effective New Mexico state legislator that had a vision and then championed its passage would be New Mexico Representative J. Paul Taylor.
J Paul Taylor of Las Cruces had a vision and set out to make it happen. As a legislator he advocated for the elevation of the Office of Cultural Affairs to a cabinet level department, including sponsoring the legislation that created the department nearly 25 years ago. He was a national champion for arts and culture, having played a key role in creating one of the largest and broadest and most respected state cultural agencies in the country. Mr. Taylor served as a member of the National Hispanic Cultural Center board of trustees and was a decades-long member of the Museum of New Mexico Board of Regents where he remained active. He set a vision and lived and breathed that vision championing legislation around that vision and making life better not only for those within his district but for constituents across New Mexico.
And then in Otero County just a short drive away from Las Cruces, we have Representative John Block.
Mr. Block was quoted in the Taos News he strives to be a good lawmaker by keeping the lines of communication open and "always, always, always" listening to his constituents in House District 51. Well maybe those of his ideology but he refuses to be interviewed by our media properties most of the time, he plays games with those that oppose his point of view. He attacks those of differing opinions and ideologies and is far from a consensus builder.
Thus, "always, always, always listening," not to those who opinions differ from his. No, Nada not happening!
When I reached to him, in the halls of Santa Fe, concerning his dead on arrival HR 1 , the legislation for the removal of the Governor, or attempted to question him about his border wall house bill 50, and how he would ensure the Biden Administration would take the states $1.5 Billion, and actually use it to build the wall, he ignored me and or walked away.
Maybe he just did not like been challenged by an assertive African American female reporter that he did not recognize in the halls of Santa Fe? Thus, he fled back to his office for the comfort of his cutout of Trump looking like rambo. That speaks volumes to Mr. Blocks legacy he
What was Representative John Block's big agenda item that he hoped to pass and to make his mark on the the state to help constituents in Otero County and across the state? A year and a half into his two year term his constituents are wondering the same thing.
When one goes to the bill tracker one notices that almost every bill Mr.Block sponsored is followed by the word "Dead."
Mr. Block is effective in garnering press, as he loves to be the big headline of radicalized legislation. His impact thus far has been to make a headline, but not action behind the headline. Examples would be
Associated Press story Lawmakers Want to Impeach the Governor over Gun Control… The Legislation died without even committee consideration.
Wants to Bring the Death Penalty Back… The Legislation died not moveing out of committee for consideration.
Mr. Block has sponsored over 50 pieces of legislation and yet only 2 were enacted. Success? Not by any measure. He campaigns on what he did to prevent bad legislation from passing. Yet when one even looks at that record it is dismal at best.
When one thinks of a great legislator does one think of one that blocks the efforts of others. Or when one thinks of a great legislator does one think of those that created, championed and then got passed great legislation that had a direct impact on locals and beyond.
When looking at the legislative candidates for district 51 ask the candidate and ask yourself, does this candidate have a vision? Does this candidate have the ability to collaborate, champion and lead that vision into a fruitful conclusion that benefits the district and or the broader state of New Mexico.
John Block has had his chance at the podium and to listen. He has failed. With the legislative session over John Block has failed to deliver for the cross section of citizens of Otero County nor the whole of New Mexico a vision of excellence, a vision of progress, a vision a plan for greatness for Otero County or New Mexico.