
KARL Melton Lies, Innuendos, Potential Campaign Finance and Ethics Violations! Can he be trusted?

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Rachel Black the experienced candidate and local hometown native civil servant and community leader, running for the tactical non-policy making position, of Otero County Treasurer, is yet again under an attack by an unscrupulous LBGTQ couple; District 51 Representative John Block and his domestic partner Karl Melton.

The race within the Republican primary is Karl Melton an individual never ELECTED to public office running against 16 year veteran deputy county treasurer, Rachael Black.

The reality is Black is not running against Melton but she is running against a duo of Melton and Black, supported by an out of county legislator reprimanded for ethics violations, Rep. Lord.

Lord, and Block have been churning their fundraising machines to lift Karl Melton and spending thousands of dollars funding falsehoods via mailers to attack Rachel Black

Acknowledging a loosing campaign Block and Melton turned negative early. Then Block the manipulator recognizing boyfriend Karl’s unpopularity and weakness hid him during the Earth Day meet the public event and is attempting to prop up his image as a “contender” by posting pictures of him with Yvette Herrell, Rep. Lord and others hoping if he is seen in the presence of these higher profile players the public perceives it as an endorsement by those politicians. Don’t be fooled, it is NOT!

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Then Block goes on line and claims his own Pinon PAC which is funded by money he transferred from his Elect John Block Campaign to fund Meltons campaign paid for mailers. However is there a campaign finance and ethics violation?

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Campaign finance laws clearly state that a mailer must clearly label who paid for the mailer. John Block claims on social media Pinon Pak paid for the mailer, however the mailer clearly states paid for by campaign to elect Karl Melton. Which lie is it John and Karl?

Where did the over $10,000 come from and who actually paid for the multiple campaign mailers attacking Rachael Black?

If Pinon PAC paid for the mailers but the mailers say the “Melton campaign paid” for them then Karl Melton and his boyfriend, John Block each, committed a campaign finance violation, a state ethics violation, a candidate campaign rules violation … and yet, they want Republican voters to TRUST Melton, to manage the millions of dollars of taxpayer dollars and reserve investments?

Oh, and the public must remember when Melton was on the city commission of Alamogordo he was against campaign finance disclosures and a code of conduct for commissioners though fellow Republicans approved a code of conduct and enhancements to finance disclosures

Note: Melton’s boyfriend, John Block, also voted at the state level AGAINST campaign finance reform and enhanced transparency and disclosures and yet, they want to manage the public’s money as treasurer?

Who can trust the fox (Melton Block) in the hen house (treasurer’s office) protecting our taxpayer funds?

Individuals who are against codes of conduct and public disclosures wanting to manage our taxpayer money? Think hard Otero Republicans, something smells dirty!

Keep experience in office deputy treasurer Rachael Black!

Rachael Black was a dedicated CONSERVATIVE Otero County locally raised Republican with at least 2 decades of Service to this community, while these two Melton and Black, carpetbaggers, were in children who worked on Democratic political campaigns in Albuquerque and in DC while attending college.

After forming an LBGTQ relationship, they then moved to Alamogordo, reinventing themselves for financial gain, as Trumpian Maga conservatives and Christian fundamentalist, but they are hypocritical to that philosophy living as LBGTQ domestic partners.

Wasn’t the goal of Republican Godfather, Ronald Reagan, to expand the GOP big tent? Isn’t the goal of the Republican Party to expand its membership? Since when do we discourage encouraging people to join the GOP and welcoming them to taste the fruits of Republicanism?

Only individuals that are afraid of diverse opinions and honest public debate would discourage a growth in GOP registrations and memberships. But Block and Melton are fearful of an expansion in local members of the Republican Party. They have run a con game on the existing base to support their nonsense. They have yet to champion and produce a single meaningful piece of legislation or public policy from start to finish that has benefited a single taxpayer in Otero County.

Their campaign style is not to win on their merits of accomplishments, on positivity, on building lasting coalitions for the greater good. Their campaigns and the only way either can win is by tearing apart their opponents with lies, innuendoes and false accusations and false propaganda to raise doubt in their opponents abilities.

Alamogordo Republicans, Karl Melton and John Block believe they are smarter than you! They think they can manipulate you into turning against established local civil servants such as Rachael Black and they think it is acceptable to trash talk a local civil servant, lie outright, twist dialogue, pick and choose statements and manipulate you. Alamogordo’s Republican voters are hard working tough and aware. Don’t let John Block and Karl Melton manipulate you!

Rachael Black has never been bought and sold by liberals!

Rachael Black is running for the position of Otero County treasurer the qualification is the experience of 16 years in the department, 7 as deputy treasurer and an understanding that the role is a tactical role of money management not a political policy position.

Elect Rachael Black and put Melton and Block back in the closet they belong with the door slammed shut!

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