
Martinez snd Crecelius: the Best Republican Allies in Otero County New Mexico

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While the Democratic Party of New Mexico is working damage control and at extreme odds with the Republican Establishment of New Mexico with the recent 30 day gun ban the governor attempted to impose, this too shall pass.

South of Albuquerque in little ole Alamogordo, New Mexico; the Republican Party of Otero County is loving the snuggles and loving it is getting from the gun toting concealed carry chairwoman of the Democrats of Otero County Brianna Martinez. Then, of course there is the biggest Republican cuddles of all coming from disgraced Otero County Democratic Election Screening Committee Chair and Ex DPOC treasurer (removed), the suspended; Mathew Crecelius.

The Republican Party of Otero County is giddy and popping open the champagne in a toast thanking DPOC Chair Ms Martinez and suspended consort to the chair, Matt Crecelius.  This duo made history. Otero County New Mexico is now, thanks to them, a true sanctuary for Republicanism.

The is NO Officially recognized Democratic Party in Otero County. Ms Martinez, portrays a role as chairwoman of DPOC. However contrary to her title on Facebook under her profile; in truth per the state the party’s official spokesperson, ”Currently, the Democratic Party of New Mexico does NOT HAVE an OPERATION in Otero County as there is an active investigation."

Otero County, New Mexico made history thanks to the clown show of leadership from DPOC. It’s the first county in New Mexico history to become an official one party county. The county has no state recognized chapter nor legal representation in Otero County of a Democrat organization recognized by DPNM - ”Currently, the Democratic Party of New Mexico does NOT HAVE an OPERATION in Otero County as there is an active investigation."

Sadly there were good people serving on the board of DPOC, but their credibility has been compromised and highjacked by their association with the Martinez Crecelius dynamite duo.

This duo single-handedly blew up the Democratic Party of Otero County during the critical campaign season of November Municipal elections. Per the press Secretary of the Democrats of New Mexico, “we believe that Democrats are most productive when they work together positively rather than tearing one another down."

The dynamite duo not only tear down other Democrats, but they also go after Independents which sway towards the party beliefs system by going after Democrats as heard by the candidate for Mayor Richard Welch. https://youtu.be/I9XYyg2Glcw?si=TzLRCXhTBhc7_MZa

The youngster at the helm, created the climate to allow the torpedo of civility within the local party chapter. Martinez allowed a vindictive campaign of revenge to fester. The puss oozing out of the wound, is Brianna Martinez and Matt Crecelius, infecting the party to the point no party exists to support municipal candidates.

The puss of Martinez/Crecelius is dripping across the county creating havoc for alternatives to Republican candidates such as Welch.  The Otero County Republican Party is holding their nose due to the stench of the puss of Martinez Crecelius, but embracing the results as Otero County, New Mexico is now officially a one party town. 

Congratulations Martinez, Congratulations Crecelius you have been awarded the prestigious honor as the hardest working ally the Republicans of Otero County could ever have. You single-handedly made Otero County the only county in the US to officially not have an active Democratic Party Chapter during a municipal election.

You succeeded during a critical election cycle, celebrate, you killed the Democrat Party of Otero County. 

Otero County went from a red Republican stronghold to a Republican single hold. Congratulations Democrats the best working Republicans belong to the Otero Country Democrat Party leadership. Political history is yet again made in Otero Country. 

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