New Mexico State Police Conducts Successful Warrant Operation


  New Mexico State Police Conducts Successful Warrant Operation

On Wednesday March 12th and Thursday March 13th, New Mexico State Police District 10 officers assisted New Mexico Corrections Department Security Threat Intelligence Unit in apprehending absconders and other individuals with warrants in San Juan County. The following individuals were arrested during the operation.

Miguel Angel Grijalva, 28; Failure to Comply with Conditions of Probation – Original Charge Battery Upon a Peace Officer

Monique Campo, 42; Felony warrant for Possession of a Controlled Substance.

Alissandra Garcia, 22; Felony warrant for Possession of a Controlled Substance, Failure to Comply with Conditions of Probation, and misdemeanor warrant for Criminal Damage to Property (under $1000).

Hykeem McCants, 23; Failure to Comply with Conditions of Probation- Original Charge of Dangerous Drugs (Felony), and misdemeanor warrant for Contempt of Court

Anthony Saiz, 44, Failure to Comply with Conditions of Probation.

Jacob Duran, 27; Failure to Comply with Conditions of Probation – Original charge of Battery Upon a Peace Officer.

Heather Green, 39; Failure to Comply with Conditions of Probation – Original Charge of Battery upon a Peace Officer, 3 additional outstanding warrants.

Jason Bernard, 41; Misdemeanor warrant for Leaving the Scene of an Accident.

Anthony Jones, 45; Failure to Comply with Conditions of Probation/Contempt of Court – Original Charges of Receiving/Transferring a Stolen Vehicle, Resisting, Evading Obstructing an Officer, and Possession of a Controlled Substance.

Dezarae Peace, 22; Failure to Comply with Conditions of Probation – Original Charge of Possession of a Controlled Substance.

The strong partnership between the New Mexico State Police and the Department of Correction’s Security Threat Intelligence Unit played a crucial role in the successful apprehension of wanted offenders. This seamless collaboration highlights our ongoing commitment to the safety of New Mexicans, with similar operations to continue throughout the year.

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