
Streaming reports that Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin has been embroiled in controversy with the courts ever since his election and removal from office. The Honorable Susan E. Griffin is the mother of former Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin, who was convicted for his role in the January 6th Capitol Riot and removed from office by a New Mexico judge.
Now it appears his mother who has had a lengthy career as a magistrate judge has now been suspended from her postion by a state judicial ethics committee.
Her career in elected office that expands beyond a decade having first been elected in 2010...
Mrs. Griffin has been temporarily suspended without pay effective immediately according to an order from the Supreme Court of New Mexico dated February 5, 2025. The Judicial Standards Commission filed a petition to permanently remove Magistrate Judge Susan Griffin from the bench. The accusation against Mrs. Griffin is of fraud, misconduct, and abusing her power by moving a personal lawsuit forward. Mrs. Griffin’s attorney claims her actions were inadvertent. They are asking for a lesser sanction.
The New Mexico Judicial Standards Commission is the ethics commission for the judicial branch of state government established in 1968 by constitutional amendment. Article VI, Section 32 of the New Mexico Constitution and New Mexico Statues Annotated §§34-10-1, et seq., authorizes the Judicial Standards Commission to investigate matters of judicial misconduct and disabilities seriously interfering with the performance of judicial duties, which is or likely to become permanent in nature of any justice, judge, or magistrate of New Mexico’s state courts.
The Commission’s jurisdiction extends over complaints made against all justices and judges within the Judicial Branch of New Mexico State Government including the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, district courts, metropolitan court, magistrate courts, municipal courts and probate courts. The Commission conducts investigations into all complaints to determine an appropriate disposition which could include dismissal, confidential informal dispositions, hearings on the merits, order medical or psychological examinations, petition the New Mexico Supreme Court for the temporary suspension of a judge, or recommend formal discipline, retirement, or removal of a judge to the Supreme Court.
A hearing for her removal will be April 16th, 2025. on streaming Krazy radio is seeking comment and an interview with Mrs Griffin or Couy Griffin and we will update as soon as the intervew is secured. Stay tuned...