Turning 18? Register to Vote and Voting Dates to Know


More young people are registering to vote, if you turn 18 before election day, November 5th, 2024 you may register to vote. New Mexico residents have 63 days left to register to vote. There are 63 days until the election.

Important Dates:

  • Oct. 08 Deadline to register by mail
  • Oct. 08 Deadline to register online
  • Oct. 08 First day to vote early in person
  • Oct. 31 Deadline to request a mail-in ballot
  • Nov. 02 Last day to vote early in person
  • Nov. 05 Deadline to register in person
  • Nov. 05 Election Day

Can I vote by mail in my state for any reason? Yes. Voters do not need a reason to vote by mail.

Can I vote by mail without a notary or witness? Yes

Is there an ID requirement? If so, what is an acceptable form of ID? No. ID is not required, except for some first-time voters. More information here.

Can I drop off my mail-in ballot in person?Yes. At a local election office, polling site, or using a drop box.


Deadline to request mail-in ballot: Thursday, Oct. 31

Deadline for mail ballot return: Must be received by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 5, if returning by mail or dropping off in person

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