
A June, a welfare check was done by an Otero County deputy on a 17-year-old. He was then shot and killed. A month later the deputy's name has not been released, no answers have been given concerning the incident and the New Mexico State Police nor the 12th Judicial District have released further information on the investigation.
A video was released to via an information request to KOAT. The news report shows that on June 25, 2024 after 11 p.m., an Otero County sheriff's deputy responded to a welfare check on 17-year-old Elijah Hadley.
The deputy can be heard trying to ask Hadley what he is doing on Highway 70. As Hadley approaches the deputy, he is asked to show his hands. At that moment, the 17-year-old threw to the side what looked to be a gun, later found to be an airsoft pistol.
The deputy then shot Hadley four times. Hadley collapses to the ground. The unnamed deputy informs OCSO he's unharmed and shots were fired.
As the deputy waits for backup, he can be heard telling Hadley not to move in the video released by KOAT News.
The 17-year-old has been on the ground for more than three minutes — until shots are fired again. Hadley was then shot more than 15 times as he lay on the ground injured. Five minutes pass and the deputy can be heard breathing heavily, still waiting for deputies to arrive. When the Otero County deputies arrive by 11:23 p.m. to offer aid it was too late for the teen. The deputy checked Hadley's body for a pulse to find none as per the video release.
News coverage has been minimal and locals are asking why and wanting "justice for Elijah"
There has been a call for a rally to bring awareness and calling fir justice and a release of information on the deputy.
His sister Katie Rose has called on Social Media for a walk and rememberance...
Richard Welch of Cloudcroft who also operates the Otero County Independents page is attempting to organize a march and a public awareness campaign.
Welch is collaborating on a march and information can be found on a page called Justice for Eijah Hadley at