The Alamogordo City Commission met on Tuesday hosting a longer than usual session with discussions around a potential new pool for Alamogordo to dialogue on city capital spending.
On the consent agenda the only significant item of interest to the broad public was the renewal of continued support of Alamogordo MainStreet. Alamogordo MainStreet has been instrumental in getting a $1.9 Million dollar infrastructure investment into the New York Avenue business corridor. In addition makeovers are beginning within the district with the incubator project that is currently in process that will allow 6 selected business concepts to operate for a short period in a pop up environment with one selected as a permanent new business. The 900 block alley way project with murals and a community garden partnered approach with students and organizations such as With Many Hands has had a positive impact on the district.
Other agenda items acted upon include a few zoning modifications to include property owner Mesa Village LLC requesting to be granted a variance to decrease the rear setback for lots 1-77 from the required twenty-four feet (24) per
ordinance 29-03-040 (20% of lot depth) to fifteen feet (15), which were all approved.
A large amount of time was devoted to getting a better understanding of options and act upon, a New Natatorium Spring Structure Design (covered year around swimming pool for public use.) Once approved a bond may go on the November ballot to help fund the project. The dialog was led with a presentation by Sprung Structures. Some board members will be visiting one of the projects that was completed by Sprung Structures. Their structures are guaranteed for 25 years. The debate is rather to go with a traditional structure or a structure with more modern materials which would lower the costs. The estimated costs depending upon commission recommendations is between $12 to $18 million, with $4 Million recommended to be used from the accumulation of LEDA funds available. Further action will occur at a future commission meeting.
The commission approved the capital expenditure suggestion of city staff and considered and acted upon, Resolution No. 2024-40 requesting interim approval from the Local Government Division of the Department of Finance & Administration, State of New Mexico, to adopt the
Preliminary 2024-2025 Budget as of May 31, 2024.
The public meeting concluded and the commission went into closed door executive session to discuss a litigation update with Downtown Ventures. Downtown Venture Corp. CEO Jay Chun and his corporation is involved in a breach of contract lawsuit filed by the city of Alamogordo around the Fun City Bowling facility at Mesa Verde which used LEDA funds and public bond money in its development.
In a prior meeting the City Commission was asked by staff to provide direction post litigation on what to do with the property, to either sell it, lease it to a new operator or have the city operate it. The commission at a prior meet instructed staff to review each options pros and cons and to come back to the commission. hosted a social media platform poll asking the public what they considered as their preference on each of the three options. An overwhelming majority voted to sell the facility and to pay off the remaining $5.2 million owed on the bonds. 69% or 361 individuals polled want to sell the property, 19% or 103 participants want to issue an RFP and select a new private business operator, and 11% or 58 participants suggest the city operate the property.
The commission will revisit options presented by city staff in an upcoming meeting. Keep your eye on the agenda and email commission members your thoughts.