Update on City Ordinance: Peddler and Solicitor Regulations


Update on City Ordinance: Peddler and Solicitor Regulations (AlamogordoTownNews.com)

Update on City Ordinance: Peddler and Solicitor Regulations

Starting Sunday, March 24, 2024, there will be an update to the city ordinance regarding Peddler and Solicitor regulations. Your cooperation is essential to ensure the safety and security of our community.

Private Property Notice: If you're a property owner or tenant, it's imperative to display a sign clearly indicating that solicitors are not welcome on your premises.

Parking Safety: When donating food or money, please park your vehicle in a safe spot away from roadways. Avoid causing solicitors to enter onto streets or highways to accept donations.

Legal Consequences: If caught soliciting, both the contributor and the solicitor could face citations or even arrest. Violations may result in fines up to $500.00 or imprisonment for a maximum of 90 days, or both, as determined by the court.

The city of Alamogordo ask that citizens work together to uphold these regulations and keep the community safe and thriving! Once available, see Ord. 11-08-030 Solicitation on or near street or highway for more information

To see the Code of Ordinances, please visit: https://library.municode.com/nm/alamogordo/codes/code_of_ordinances

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