Turmoil and Harassment from DPOC Leadership Continues DPOC Women Speak Out


In a recent turn of events several local women who have been Otero County Democratic party activists break their silence about the alleged harassment and intimidation by a CCC leader Matthew Crecelius, and the protection afforded to him by the party chair.

AlamogordoTownNews.com and KALHRadio.org has run a series of articles on the division and turmoil within the Democratic Party of Otero County’s Central Committee and within the ranks of the executive committee over the past several months.

We stepped back from the story to allow it to work itself out without the prying eyes of the press.

However, tensions escalated this weekend, as several respected women within the party, broke their silence and posted that lines have been crossed and that they have “no confidence” in the chair nor the state to resolve the issue thus they are forced to speak out. 

Earlier this year a “testy election” was held for a new chairperson which led to a deep divide. A new chairwoman, Briana Martinez was elected, age 21 with a promise of a fresh start and a new beginning for the local party. The party had been embroiled in conflict driven from the then Vice Chair.

After the election of the new Chair, that appointed Vice Chair, left office but was appointed treasurer and as the chair of the election screening committee. A month ago the individual was removed from the position of treasurer, but remains on the CCC, and as the chair of the candidate screening committee.

There have been allegations reported to Alamogordo Town News that money that was designated for a “scholarship fund” was used to pay office rent, and other operating expenses, and that the party leadership was not segregating funds designated for scholarships as is a typical accounting standard. A CCC member reported to us these allegations, however, the leadership refused to comment, except to acknowledge a change in the position of treasurer has occurred.

Since that issue, the individual in question, Mathew Crecelius, has gone on social media and attacked multiple members of the party, primarily women, and this media enterprise libeling us as and others as“domestic terrorists” with the tacit endorsement via likes and posts of the party chairwoman. 

The individual in question, continues the attacks, and the issue has garnered the frustration of many members of the party to include many Ward Chairs.

Several members have filed complaints with the local party. Those complaints were ignored, and then complaints escalated to the state party. The state party then sent in the state Party Executive Director to attend local CCC Executive meetings “to provide support.”

That support has resulted in an escalation of issues instead of a calming, and continued posts by the SCC and  CCC leader in question, Mathew Crecelius. It resulted in the DPOC Code of Conduct being nullified and removed, as it was not voted on correctly.

Also under the “support” from the state executive director,  Sean Ward, a recent meeting held at Corrino’s Restaurant erupted into an incident in which the police were called. Management at Corrino’s confirmed there have been multiple “incidents” when DPOC held meetings on their property, and the party has been asked “not to host any further meetings” at their location. 

This weekend a DPOC hosted a meeting in an attempt to recruit candidates for the upcoming municipal elections. The meeting resulted in two potential candidates under the recommendation and recruitment efforts of Denise Lange-Brown. The candidate committee chair, Mat was ill prepared for the meeting, not even having a list of vacancies eligible for candidates.

A former CCC member present stepped up and provided a list.

It’s unconfirmed, but we were informed this evening, that Ms Lange Brown has now resigned from the candidate committee as well; as an act of protest of recent events and antics by the individual of leadership in question.

Incidents continue to escalate with recent attacks on a young woman who was recently hospitalized for cancer treatments and pneumonia and attacks on two other party insiders of which both have left leadership and participation for fear of their safety and sanity. 

Over the weekend a series of social media videos and posts have surfaced placing further pressure on DPOC leadership and the DPNM Executive Director, Sean Ward, to step in and take action.

Tracy Perry is the latest voice to pop up on social media to speak out against the individual in question. 

On social media she makes a “CALL TO ACTION TO HAVE MATT REMOVED FROM DPOC FOR HARASSING & bullying fellow Democrat Women, referring to the actions of Crecelius as not acceptable and I’m calls on party leadership to do the right thing!” She went on to reference a long paper trail of complaints.

In another complaint posted to social media he has been accused of inappropriately touching a woman's thigh, cornering a woman while he berated her, and calling the police on people for whom he doesn't like. One look at his FB page and it is CLEAR that if nothing else, he is a bully.

The most recent dialog has escalated after a series of videos came out from local activist Jeny Buckley who goes by GroguSimp on TikTok concerning the attacks on her and other women by this DPOC CCC leader…

Jeny Buckley Video Post Link

The issue has become so grave and divisive for the local party that the Vice Chair Glen Melton conversed with Ms. Perry calling for action. The importance of that voice is Melton was on the ticket of Brianna Martinez with her endorsement and support as her Vice Chair.

A response to a conversation with Ms. Perry by Mr Melton states: I am in total agreement with all of your many sentiments about Matt Crecelius. I have been working very hard to get him removed from positions of power by the Chair and DPNM for a long time (months). He’s a coward that likes to verbally attack the women of DPOC. He has managed to scare off some of our best and hardest workers and supporters. He has verbally attacked my wife on Facebook Messenger, to the point she had to block him, and has physically threatened me at the DPOC office. I’ve seen his continual, relentless verbal attacks on many of you kind, brave and good women recently and in the past. Just sickens me to no end!!! He needs to seek mental counseling until he becomes a human being again, if that is even possible.

Just so you know, my management style upon assuming new positions is to appraise the current situation, people, processes and procedures of the organizations I find myself in. I completed that process some time ago, after becoming DPOC Vice Chair, and my conclusion is this individual is causing major short and long term damage to the party and therefore he must be removed from all positions of even the slightest impact.

I do not and have not agreed with my leadership regarding his current standing one iota. My advice regarding this individual has been outright discarded with impunity. It’s long overdue and time for him to be taken out of any leadership positions or sit on any existing committees and leave the good Democrats in this county alone so they can do the great work of our party. He is an embarrassment and has been issuing veiled threats to anyone who disagrees with him, and we cannot make any good progress with him in any leadership roles or DPOC committee memberships in any capacity.”

Stephanie Dubois longtime Democratic Party Activist and a Past County Chair was interviewed by KALHRadio.org Anthony Lucero and reported she has “voiced” her concern about the local negative “situation of DPOC with the Governors Office.” 

A link to the podcast of the interview with Ms Dubois and excepts from the TikTok video follow the weather as the lead story on KALHRadio.org https://youtu.be/8TQGVPAaYU0

In a statement from the former DPOC Secretary Alexis, it’s obvious that the “chairwoman will take action against members on social media by blocking them just not blocking Mat”

It is unfortunate that DPOC has come to this. Leadership rightly claims that they cannot address members personal social media posts, but giving Matt positions in leadership after witnessing his behavior firsthand shows a distinct lack of caring about the safety of party members. I had a lot of hope that Brianna would surround herself with experienced people that would support and teach her so she could grow DPOC. I was one of her staunchest supporters during the party elections in March when I held the position of media manager and party secretary. I considered her a friend and thought she considered me one as well. Recently, I defended myself against Matt in a Facebook group not connected to DPOC. In retaliation for self defense, Brianna blocked me from the official DPOC group where information for the party is disseminated. This response proves she will take action against democrats personal facebook posts, but not Matt's. Her inability to maintain decorum among members at meetings as the chair, losing our meeting place, has left a stain on our party. I find it interesting that Matt has only been attacking Democrats on social media, I would not expect someone who claims to care about the party to so aggressively go after their own, especially the four women he recently attacked because we didn't support his behavior. These same four women have been active in the community in one way or another far longer than he has. I hope that DPOC can recover from this.”

Mathew Crecelius is on the New Mexico State Central Committee thus their inaction also shows complicity based on the allegations and calls for a state investigation. He did not actually win the state position but won that position on a technicality. Janace Tallant  got more votes, but there would have been too much of a gender imbalance based on the bylaws, so Crecelius was the “man by default” of a technical rule on gender equity, but not the favorite. 

Thus the alleged harassment and intimidation, which is an abuse of power, is a reflection on the SCC, the local CCC, and as the chair of the election committee.

The Democratic Party of Otero County New Mexico continues to be embroiled in scandal and controversy. To the brave women that are challenging the harassment and intimidation that is ongoing, congratulations on your bravery. Be vigilant and be safe.

While this controversy continues, the few local politicians, that are affiliated with the party, are smart to keep their distance from the internal dramas and focus on their service to their constituents.

Service is what politics is supposed to be about either as a party leader or as a political leader.

The antics of the CCC member and his use of social media as a platform of intimidation and hostility, with the the support of his antics by the chairwoman show misplaced priorities and a party in continued decline and lacking credibility in Otero County. 

The citizens of Otero County New Mexico deserve two strong effective parties focused on local constituent needs. Otero County deserves better than this!  The civilized adults the room, need to step up and take charge before even more damage is done.

More story details can be heard on streaming KALHRadio.org 

 or on the podcast at https://youtu.be/8TQGVPAaYU0

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This is a very chilling post. The Otero County Democrats have been ineffective under prior leadership, and the current executive committee has been nothing but disastrous. My personal opinion is that the Democratic Party of New Mexico (DPNM) needs to invalidate all officers, clear the slate and start from a fresh base. Those who object to this line are the ones who have supported the prior administrations by inactivity and indifference. Well, now is the time to step up and take steps to support the local apparatus that is designed to represent us as liberal, progressive people who believe in democracy and fairness. That is not happening in Otero County. 

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