
The Alamogordo Kiwanis Club is recognizing the Most Improved Student of the Month of April 2023.
The most improved student is chosen by each of the school faculty. The criteria for each school selection is based on attitude, behavior, school involvement, and academic grades.
Papa John’s Pizza, The Bluestone, Caliche’s KHII / KTMN Radio, Krazy and the joins the Alamogordo Kiwanis Club in congratulating these students.
The following students were honored for the month of APRIL:
THREE pictures are attached for inclusion with this announcement:
Holloman Middle School (left to right)
Arianna Tucker, Charlotte Tucker, Ned Kline (Kiwanis), and Elizabeth Farmer
Mountain View Middle School (left to right)
TreNyah Bates, Bryce Barela, and Mia Gonzale
Chaparral Middle School (left to right)
Austin Cooksey, Chloe Pugh and Assistant Principal Dr. Ernestine Baca
Not available for picture: Zoie Brunning
Thank you for your cooperation in assisting the Alamogordo Kiwanis Club, Papa John’s Pizza, The Bluestone, Caliche’s and KHII / KTMN Radio, Krazy, and in honoring these students and enriching each of these school programs.
Kiwanis is looking out for kids in every corner of the globe with more than 550,000 volunteers who serve their community such as the local chapter in Alamogordo.Kiwanis International was founded in 1915 by a group of businessmen in Detroit, Michigan, United States. The organization was originally called the Supreme Lodge Benevolent Order of Brothers but changed its name to Kiwanis a year later.
The name "Kiwanis" was coined from an American Indian expression, "Nunc Kee-wanis," which means, "We trade." In 1920, the motto of Kiwanis became “We Build.” It remained the motto until 2005, when members voted to change it to “Serving the children of the world.” In the early years, members focused on business networking but in 1919, the organization changed its focus to service — specifically service to children.
Kiwanis became an international organization with the founding of the Kiwanis Club of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, in 1916. Kiwanis clubs formed in communities across the United States and Canada until the 1960s, when worldwide expansion was approved. Today, Kiwanis clubs are helping children thrive, prosper and grow in nearly 80 nations and geographic locations.
All people are welcome to participate in the Kiwanis movement of improving communities for children. In 1987, women were invited to join. In 2008, delegates approved a resolution that calls for Kiwanis clubs to celebrate and foster inclusiveness.