
When I had a 3 year old child I learned about the power of play and the importance of community in healing. We belonged to a preschool co-op which allowed my rural child an opportunity to socialize. It allowed me a connection to other moms. Nathan preferred the building block area or the Sand Tray room. He used both for major construction.
One day we arrived at preschool a bit frazzled. The day before we had intercepted our cat, Kitty, leaving the house with our pet parakeet in his mouth. Our rescue was too late…the bird did not survive. As a mom I knew this had made a big impression on my child so I did my best to construct a proper burial for the bird, with a farewell by all in the true spirit of “teachable moments”. Nathan did not sleep well and was very clingy in the days that followed.
An amazing thing happened at preschool. For the next 5 days Nathan would make a beeline to the sand tray and repeatedly bury a matchbox car with full funeral ceremony. Before long 4 other 3 year olds had joined in. That in itself was startling because play at this age is mostly parallel. Over a few days the play began to expand, my child started to sleep again, and the community of 3 year olds stayed together in construction of all kinds of thing.
I believe there is something potently healing for children and adults in play, creativity and gathering together. Weekend sports are a good example. Often we find resilience or renewed energy from difficult situations or long work weeks. Our bodies discharge pent up stress or tensions. We put aside our worries. This acts like a reset button for us.
The same happens with the arts. Alamogordo is rich with these kinds of opportunities. Our loved Flickinger Center offers an array of musical and performance opportunities and educational programs. The Sands Theater is being renovated; Roadrunner and downtown merchants and MainStreet offer community events; Otero Arts is expanding its programs. The museums create education about our history and culture; The city, Center of Commerce and many local organizations, churches, schools, and businesses sponsor opportunities to gather and play.
What we need to remember is that our community is leaning on creativity, play and socializing to renew its spirit after the troubling experience of covid and the current challenges of a tough economy and polarized discourse. We are finding avenues to express our hopes for meaningful connection in a positive manner.
Just like my son found relief and resilience at his preschool, Alamogordo is naturally finding renewal through the arts. Human spirit is amazing! Alamogordo Proud!