
Candidates Focused on Working Families Commentary by Courtney McCary-Squyres

This post expresses the views and opinions of the author(s) and not necessarily that of 2nd Life Media Alamogordo Town News management or staff.

Today is National Voter Registration Day and that makes it the perfect day to tell you about the food and housing champions we are endorsing for election this Fall! With Many Hands, and its sister organization, Many Hands Action, are nonpartisan. We are not for or against any political party. We are about working people getting what we deserve from our government, and sometimes that means wading, tentatively, and hesitantly, into the political arena. To be clear, Many Hands Action is here for one reason, and one reason only: to do everything possible to improve the lives of working people everywhere!

Based on their responses to our Endorsements Committee, their performance at the SENM Food and Housing Summit 10 days ago, and their stated positions on the issues we've been pushing for, it’s clear who’s gonna work with us to solve the food & housing crisis:

  • Gabe Vasquez for New Mexico Congressional District 2;
  • Ashlie Myers for New Mexico State House District 51; and
  • Sarah Silva for New Mexico State House District 53.

Congressmen Gabe Vasquez will bring his working class values to Washington DC, putting working people at the center. Vasquez committed to voting for an expanded child tax credit, increased and expanded SNAP benefits, and increased funding for affordable housing.

Ashlie Myers is focused on tackling the challenges that parents with children face and the need to fill the gaps that working families often fall through by expanding and increasing the safety net.

Sarah Silva is running for office to make sure the government serves working people. Her priority is to repeal the statewide ban on rent control. Many Hands Action encourages all working people to vote for these candidates.

“While these candidates committed to being champions for working families if elected, we won’t rest on our laurels after election day, we’ll ensure that they stay true to their commitments all year round. But in order to hold them to their commitments, we've got to make sure they’re elected first! Join us, starting on National Voter Registration Day, to get our families, friends, co-workers and neighbors out to vote.”

-Courtney McCary-Squyres

There’s so many ways to vote: Vote by Mail; Vote Early in Otero, Eddy, Lea & Chaves or on Election Day. And anyone that’s eligible can register and vote at the same time!

Sign up here to be part of our Voter Volunteers and help ensure we elect officials that will stand with us.

Let's get our people out to vote and make our voices heard in this coming election!

See you in the streets, on the land and at the polls,

-- Courtney, Jeneva, and the entire With Many Hands team

Many Hands Action, a project of Addition Collective Action Fund/Movement Strategy Center Action Fund is a 501c4 organization, focusing on organizing and advocating with working people, as well as doing some directly political activity, support us here!

We are a sister organization of With Many Hands, a project of Tides/Addition, it's a true grassroots effort that is moving resources to the people that actually make change, working people in their own communities.

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