Hanukkah 2021 has begun…Happy Hanukkah


The ancient Hebrew calendar determines when Hanukkah is celebrated -- not the Gregorian calendar -- which is why the dates change from year to year. In 2021, the holiday will be celebrated from sundown on November 28 to sundown on December 6. The holiday often falls around Christmas, but the two have nothing in common.

The ancient ruler King Antiochus IV abolished Jewish religion and forced Jews to worship the Greek gods. The Maccabees, an army made up of followers of priest Mattahias and his son Judah Maccabee, rose up and pushed out King Antiochus IV. The Jews reclaimed the temple in the 160s BC, which is what the holiday honors.

A light in the darkness

One of the cornerstones of Hanukkah celebrations is lighting the menorah each of the eight nights of the holiday. Lighting the menorah reminds us that a little bit of light can dispel a lot of darkness.

Hanukkah is a time for people to re-connect to their inner light, making room for self-reflection and growth.

Let’s all faiths come together this season of light and hope and work together for peace and happiness for all people across all the blessed lands.

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