
In what many thought would be a closer race for the office of Mayor of Alamogordo; Commissioner Susan Payne prevailed over opponent Nadia Sikes. The unofficial tally reported to the Secretary of State by the Otero County Clerks Office shows the results at midnight of 1862 votes or 64% going to Ms. Payne with 36% or 1056 votes going to Nadia Sikes.
Ms. Payne held a victory celebration on New York Avenue this evening and posted a Facebook video thanking her constituents for her victory...
Opponent Nadia Sikes ran a difficult race. She apparently did not offer a compelling rebuttal to the voters over a series of questions by KALH Radio Personality Anthony Lucero and by the Pinon Press. KALH ran a series of parodies, in response to Ms. Sikes refusal to be interviewed on the local station adding to the uphill battle she faced of public perception. Adding to her difficulties was a video that circulated on Facebook of which she suggest was an ambush at a commission meeting by the Pinon Press. Her failure to fend off these challenges with a more diplomatic response turned of many moderate supporters in the final days of the campaign lending additional support to Ms. Payne.
Grace under fire is the recommendation for any leader rather a business leader, sports professional or politician is the lesson learned from this race. Ms. Payne seemed to stay above the fray of controversy in the final weeks of this election, hosting several meet and greets and had a very public and aggressive social media presence that showed her calm, engaged and before the public.
Congratulations to both candidates now let us hope each will put the election behind them and work together for the common good of the citizens of Alamogordo.
Abandoned and derelict buildings, a New York Avenue District on the cusp of transition with proper zoning support, a business climate that is tenuous at best, a drug and homeless epidemic that seems to be increasing without a clear path of solution; these are the issues that the new mayor and the city commission need to focus on and put petty differences with Santa Fe, the governor and party ideology aside. Can all of our leaders step above the fray of blaming the North, take responsibility, hunker down with the small business community and put together a cohesive program for growth and prosperity for the long term?
The next 2 years will tell.
Stay Tuned...
In other closely watched elections within Otero County...
David Overstreet with great name recognition easily outpaced opponents Charles M Turpin and Write In Candidate Roger Wayne Schoolcraft to win the Muncipal Judges Seat with 62% of the vote.
City Council District 2 Stephen Burnett ran unopposed and received 100% of the vote.
City Council District 4 Joshua Rardin ran unopposed and received 100% of the vote.
The School Board Race was one in which many eyes within the County were vested in watching. Republican Party leader Amy Barela hit hard in raising questions of family ties against candidate Amber Ross in the District 5 competition. Ms. Ross withstood several attacks for prior Facebook posts she had done in the past concerning mask mandates and flags on pickup trucks. Ms. Barela insinuated family ties should have disqualified Ms. Ross for the position she was seeking. Ms. Ross battled back that she was from a family with multi-generational ties to Otero County and there was no nepotism in her approach to the position of school board representative. Ms. Ross did not participate in several of the Republican Party sponsored forums but still prevailed with a solid margin in her bid for the school board seat. The results show Ms. Ross with 54% of the vote or a lead of 52 votes over Sara Weihausen whom received 46% of the votes cast.
This hard fought race and the results surprised many local political observers.
For complete results on all races within Otero County include Bond Measure, and the results of other municipalities visit #nmpol
Congratulations of all candidates for putting up a good effort and participating the the democratic process of elections.
Overall voting results were low for Otero County and for the state with participation at less then 20% of the total eligible voters. Off year elections tend to run with a light voter turnout. An apathetic citizenship does not bold well for any true mandate of any elected leader this election cycle which does not reflect well on the strength of our democratic republic.
Apathy was the clearest winner yet again recognized in these election results.