Saturday Noon to 2 PM, March 22nd and 29th, 2025 Peaceful Protest Against Trump Musk Policies Planned


Peaceful protestors have been seen at the corner of 10th Street and White Sands Blvd each Saturday of March to ensure their voices are heard in regards to their feelings that President Trump and Elon Musks actions don't represent the values of all Americans.

"With proposed cuts to social security and veterans benefits, mass discriminate layoffs by DOGE, downloads of private social security data, and attacks on DEI programs with pages of historical records of the contributions of people of color and women from government websites, human rights violations in the treatment of immigrants and more; its time we take to the streets in peaceful and respectful protest", says community protest organizers. 

Last Saturday and randomly throughout the week drivers saw individuals posted on the 4 corners of White Sands Blvd and 10th Street with signs and peaceful protest...

Let me be clear, these small town protests are not being hosted by paid actors and organizations from outside interests, but are hosted and supported by citizen activists on the local level as pockets of resistance to the organized affront to democracy," texted a another participant from a prior protest.

"Woke is not a bad thing, but means one is aware, inspired and informed, Christ was woke in his day", said another recent protestor. 

"Our charters of freedom are at risk of being dismantled by the greed of corporate raiders that why I attend these protests," said another recent protester. 

Peaceful protests have long been organized by local progressive individuals such as Denise Lange-Brown, a local activist, who is well known among political circles, for attending City and County commission meetings and providing her thoughts via community comments to ensure all voices and viewpoints are represented.  

Ms. Lange-Brown contacted the Alamogordo Police to notify them of their intentions for peaceful protests each Saturday to ensure no hiccups in their actions of free speech in the public park and right away at White Sands and 10th Street noon to 2 on Saturdays in March. Organizers say, "peaceful and respectful volunteers and like minded individuals that want to join, participate and let their voices be heard are always welcome." 

Peaceful protest at the corner of 10th Street and White Sands Blvd. is a strong tradition within in Alamogordo dating back since its founding. The intersection of 10th and White Sands is the main central entrance to the historic downtown area that is under renovation and restoration with a nod to its historic roots. The intersection in question, where the peaceful protests are often held, hosts Alamogordo's founders park, the Tularosa Basin Museum, a memorial honoring veterans and is of significance with the many voices and viewpoints that have been heard on those corners without incident for decades as a "free speech zone." Police patrol the intersection often, and with its high visibility as the center point of Alamogordo, its the perfect location for the peaceful exercise of free speech dialogue. 

The previous protest were met with significant car honking and thumbs up in support of their signage and thoughts said, event organizers. 

"Everyone that is respectful and considerate of free speech is welcome, peaceful protest are a core value of a free society," said Ms. Lange-Brown.

The crowds have grown from just a few to more and more each week. Organizers across the nation and around the state are hosting grass roots, citizen driven events, and demonstrations in support of democratic values and support of the constitutional rights and beliefs of liberty from a diverse range community activists. Protests against the actions of Trump and Musk have been seen from Las Cruces, to El Paso, Houston, Washington and small towns across the nation.

Individuals wanting to join are encouraged to meet up, at noon on Saturday, create their own signs and lets their voices be heard in this bastion of conservative political power. The only requirement is a strong sense of peaceful coexistence and respectful community engagement

Let free speech and diversity in thought reign peacefully in Alamogordo!  

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Your are very misinformed of what Trump is doing.  Trump is not cutting SS or Veteran benefits.  Whom ever you read or heard this from is lying to you.  Think about it, how could these items be cut with out 75% of US citizens being up in arms and the repercussions would be the loss of the next election.  How could you not be for Musk finding the theft of our taxes.  Congress both on the left and right have been using USAID to line their pockets and you are upset about that.  How misinformed are you, how can you be for theft of your taxes, things do not add up.  Please look in the mirror to see a puppet of the extreme marxist democrat party.

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you need to take off your blinders, trump is sucking up to his hero - vlad putin.  his antics are roiling the financial markets - he is busy creating a recession in our country.   and his buddies in the heritage foundation are hard at work installing christian nationalism as the new alter - to take the place of freedom.

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We are not misinformed, you are. Ffotus [ first felon of the united states ] is executing project 2025, step by step.He plans to cripple both of these agencies by stripping them of personnel and facilities and then rescuing them by p rivitazi g them to benefit his billionaire buds. Wake up and read project 2025 to see our future

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