Alamogordo MainStreet Awarded $12,500 Science Discovery STEM Grant


Alamogordo MainStreet is on the move with a New York Avenue 800 and 900 Block makeover, new stores in the development stages, established businesses reinventing themselves with upgrades and makeovers, new murals about to be added to the Eastside alleys, arts and culture vibrant from the 800 Block to the 1200 Block and now even more good news. Alamogordo MainStreet has been awarded a Science Discovery on Main Street Grant to research and identify unique aspects of Alamogordo, NM, in relation to students and science.

The grant from Main Street America aims to help Main Street communities inspire curiosity, joy, and pride in what makes each community unique through creating engaging science-inspired attractions, events, and activities.

“We are honored and thrilled to be one of twelve grantees nationwide to receive a grant,” said Claudia Loya, president of Alamogordo MainStreet (AMS). “The grant will help us engage the community in mapping science assets in Alamogordo and Otero County and possibly plan a new signature event as well as community engagement activities that celebrate them.“

Science Discovery on Main Street grant program is funded through a generous grant from Simons Foundation International. The program will help Main Street communities uncover and leverage their unique science assets, history, and features towards building local pride and creating engaging local attractions and activities.

The most exciting aspect of this initiative is the opportunity to bring together merchants, the community, and potential employers in a collaborative effort to foster student interest in STEM fields,” Loya continued.

Through the Science Discovery on Main Street grant program, AMS will explore unique aspects of Alamogordo and Otero County in relation to science. With the funding, AMS will build relationships with partners and plan science-centered events and programming for residents and visitors. Alamogordo MainStreet and the other grantees will also have opportunities to collaborate, learn, and share experiences with each other.

The community engagement program will be announced later in March.

The grant runs through August 2025 and will produce a formal proposal for one of seven larger grants to implement projects during September 2025–September 2026.

To view the full list of grant recipients and learn more about the program, please visit the grant webpage here.

About Main Street America

Main Street America (MSA) leads an inclusive, impact-driven movement dedicated to reenergizing and strengthening older and historic downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts through place-based economic development and community preservation. We work in collaboration with thousands of local partners and grassroots leaders across the nation who share our commitment to advancing shared prosperity, creating resilient economies, and improving quality of life. Main Street America was founded in 1980 as the National Main Street Center®, a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Over the past 40 years the MSA network has helped to generate over $101 billion in local reinvestment, rehab 335,000 buildings, create 782,000 new jobs, and start 175,000 new businesses in over 2,000 communities.

Learn more about Main Street America here.

Learn more about the Alamogordo MainStreet Makeover at

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