Squatters Using Propane in Abandoned Structures Results in Fire Jan 23, 2025


The City of Alamogordo issued a statement concerning the fire of the dilapidated structure on January 23rd, 2025.

Per the statement; at approximately 05:12 hours on January 23rd, 2025, the Alamogordo Fire Department was dispatched to the 600 block of Maryland Avenue for a confirmed structure fire.

Engine number 2 was the first fire apparatus on scene and reported that a known dilapidated structure had heavy smoke and fire coming from the rear of the home. A hose line was pulled to the rear of the structure to provide exposure protection and an initial knock down.

Alamogordo Police Department officers assisted to evacuate all surrounding structures. Firefighters had to force entry into the front of the building to initiate search and fire suppression tactics.

Due to an aggressive interior attack, a quick fire knock down was achieved and a primary search cleared the building from having any fire victims. The fire was contained to the building origin and no damage was sustained to surrounding buildings or properties.

Per the release its stated that the Alamogordo Fire Department Investigations Unit was requested to conduct a fire origin and cause investigation. This building is active in the dilapidated structure program and was boarded up prior to the fire.

The investigation determined that an unknown subject or subjects (assumed to be homeless or transient) forced entry into the rear of the residence. It was apparent that they were squatting inside the structure. The area of origin was found in the rear bedroom of the structure, and it was determined to be caused by a portable propane camp stove being improperly used as a heating appliance.

Coordination with Alamogordo Code Enforcement Department allowed the Alamogordo Fire Department to track and identify when they are responding to known dilapidated structures. Fire personnel still have a duty to enter these structures and make sure there are no victims trapped during fire events regardless of the status of the building.

The timeliness of the release concerning this fire highlights the importance of the call for public participation surrounding ordinance 1710 which is scheduled for Tuesday at the City Commission Chambers. Ordinance 1710 is being reviewed in order to tighten the laws around private property owners and individuals setting up camp on or within private property and or derelict buildings within the city limits.

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