Image continues its coverage on the strained relationship between the homeless (unhoused) population of Alamogordo and the rights and concerns of private property and busines owners. The city leadership city of Alamogordo is seeking public participation in helping to craft ordinance 1710 within the city code as a tool to address concerns about public safety.
The homeless population in Alamogordo has grown is the feeling on many citizens within the city limits and most especially among residents living in the downtown and inner city neighborhoods. Within those neighborhoods there has been an increase of crime, vagrant crimes, drug trafficking and dangerous encampments and encounters in abandoned buildings causing concern. The city commissioners have asked the staff to draft legislation or city ordinances to deal with the effects of crime that is being compounded by the issues of homelessness and the lack of services to the homeless population and those at risk of homelessness.
The city has been working with various nonprofit organizations and agencies as well as 100% Otero snd others in an effort to improve conditions for the homeless and community at large.
The challenge for city leadership is to find the correct balance in supporting the homeless population while at the same time protecting private property owners and the business community interests as well as insuring safety for the public at large.
Proposed modifications to ordinance 1710 can be found in the link below...
The reason for public discussion is to determine appropriate modifications and rather the proposed changes meet the criteria of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Alamogordo as shared recently by Courtney McCary who has been a citizen advocate for solving food insecurity issues via community gardens and helped facilitate a conversation and conference on housing access and affordability in Otero County.
Longer term advocates for affordable housing solutions such as Nadia Sikes have been lobbying for a "Housing First" approach to assist with the homeless issue as discussed in an article that ran titled : Affordable Housing in Alamogordo A Multi-pronged Approach. has covered the issue of housing affordability and updates needed to zoning and lot sizes in reports such as our story titled Alamogordo Housing Attainability Need for Zoning Changes and a Clear Plan.
The issue of homelessness and affordability in housing is a difficult issue that must have a multifaceted discussion and approach to find solutions. The discussion to be had on ordinance 1710 is just one piece of the puzzle and only one part of the discussion.
Homeless advocates must consider the rights and protections of private property owners and the safety of families in close proximity to the homeless. The homeless population is diverse from individuals that have slipped through the cracks into poverty to those chronically homeless. Those who aspire a better life and those who need mental or physical health support but who are not able to attain those services. All voices need to heard on the various ordinances that need to be addressed to create a comprehensive plan to address housing affordability needs for our community and while at the same time providing protections for existing families and private property owners.
Please join the conversation with civil dialogue and together we can all reach a consensus on building a safe community for all of our residents no matter their economic circumstances.