
The 2024 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report analyzes Veteran suicide data from 2001 to 2022, with 2022 being the most recent year for which data is available and has now been released. The report shows a continued increase in Veteran Suicides but at a smaller rate of increase than prior years but New Mexico's rates exceed national averages.
The number of veterans who died by suicide in 2022 of nearly 18 per day remained steady with a slight uptick from the previous year but was down from a peak in 2018, with "encouraging" signs of progress among women and younger veterans, Veterans Affairs officials tried to spin in their most recent report.
The report contains the most comprehensive data about Veteran suicide mortality to date. Key report findings include:
In 2022, there were 6,407 suicides among Veterans and 41,484 among non-Veteran U.S. adults.
Among all U.S. adults in 2022, there were, on average, 131.2 suicides per day, with 17.6 Veteran suicides per day.
On average, seven suicides per day were among Veterans who received Veterans Health Administration (VHA) care in 2021 or 2022, and 10.6 were among other Veterans.
Although veteran suicides saw a slight uptick from 2021 to 2022, the increase of .7 per 100,000, was smaller than the adjusted rate in the U.S. population, which saw a 1.8% rise among males and a 5.2% jump among females, according to Matthew Miller, executive director for the VA's Suicide Prevention Office.
Though the report contains some good news, it shows more work needs to be done to reduce Veteran suicide.
In addition to the 2024 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report, VA has released data sheets on state-level findings, including the number of suicide deaths among Veterans, suicide rates by age group, suicide deaths by method of suicide, and comparisons between state data and regional and national data.
Findings specific to New Mexico home to multiple military installations such as Holloman AFB, White Sand Missle Range and significant acreage of Fort Bliss all located in Otero County the findings suggested that after accounting for age differences the Veteran suicide rate in
New Mexico was significantly higher than the national Veteran suicide rate and was
significantly higher than the national general population suicide rate.
The number of veterans who died within a year of leaving active duty declined from a rate of 51 per 100,000 in 2021 to 46.2 per 100,000 in 2022
By service breakdown, however, the Marine Corps continues to have a significantly higher death rate than veterans from other branches, 67.9 per 100,000 "person years" which is a data point that incorporates the number of members and their time in service for the year. However, the figure was down from 2020 when the Marine Corps rate was nearly 81 per 100,000.
The rates for the other branches for members who recently left the service were 47 per 100,000 for the Navy, 38.8 per 100,000 for the Army, and 38.1 for the Air Force, which includes Space Force data.
Service members and veterans facing a mental health crisis can call the VA Crisis Line at 988, press 1. Help also is available by texting 838255 or chatting online.