
The 11th annual first responders dinner organizers need your help they are a bit behind on donations this year and we need your help!
Please look at the menu below and see if there's any dishes you can contribute to getting a hot Christmas Dinner to the 1st Responders that have our back every day.
For the details and history of this dinner please go to this link:
This dinner only works with the support of the citizens of Otero County. We ask that you pick ONE item off this list and let us know what you can bring. From full turkeys to a batch of cookies you can find an item that will fit your budget and time. Thank you Otero for your support in our previous years and the support we bring to all the area first responders this Christmas Eve 2024. What is needed fircthe full menu includes:
6 Turkeys-2 promised!
4 Hams- 4 promised!
4 Brisket- 1 promised!
4 dz Tamales- 2 dz promised!
2 pan-Mac & Cheese-2 promised!
3-4 pans of Enchiladas-
2 pans-Lasagna-
12 dz rolls- 12 promised!
1-pan Cornbread-1 promised!
4 pans Stuffing-2 pans of stuffing promised!
4 batches of Mashed potatoes-
6 batches Gravy-
1-2 Green bean casseroles-2 green bean casseroles promised!
4 cans of Cranberry sauce-4 promised!
1-Corn casserole-
1-Corn Bread Dressing-1 promised!
3-Veggie side dishes-1 promised!
1-Pinto Beans-1 promised!
3-Macaroni salad-
2 Potato salad-
1-Pasta Salad-
6 dz-Cupcakes-
7-8 pies-1 pie promised!
1-banana pudding-
4-6-Cakes- 2 promised!
10 dz-Cookies-2 dz cookies promised
Volunteers: We’re looking for about 15 helpers to serve up the grub to 160ish lical heroes. You can work any or all of the shifts available. It's one of the most fulfilling nights you spend when you see how much our heroes appreciate it. The cleanup crew also helps us take the leftovers to COPE and the ER.
4-6pm, Set up crew: 10 volunteers
6-9pm, Serving Crew: 8 volunteers
9-10:30pm, Cleanup & delivery Crew: 7 volunteers
Thank you again for your support! To donate or volunteer to participate IM Chez via his page
or Call Chez number 575-415-0524
Be sure to tell him you are an reader and support first responders! Thanks and lets make this the biggest success ever again this year!