
Otero County LULAC Council 8105 the League of United Latin American Citizens is raising funds for Emergency Housing for the homeless, Phase I of an effort to help the homeless here in Otero County.
The organization is aware of 10 homeless families with school-age children living in motels and a recreational vehicle that has no utilities. There are more homeless families – 75 families with 150 children in the county, who meet the criteria of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
LULAC 8105 will be working with the first group of families, to stabilize their housing, help with their children’s educational needs, and basic support – food, clothing and transportation.
In the longer term, rhey will continue to raise funds and also address the needs of the larger group of homeless in Otero County – the 75 families and 150 children.
If you would like to help with this effort, LULAC will fund-raise at the Tularosa Winter Festival, in Tularosa, New Mexico, on Saturday, December 7, 2024, from 9:00am to 10:00pm, on Granado Street, just west of US54 in downtown Tularosa.
For more details on the activities and schedule of events for the Tularosa Winter Festival, see Tularosa Winter Festival on Facebook.
For more information on LULAC’s fund-raising to combat homelessness, or to contribute, please contact Otero County LULAC – at 915-490-5786.
And if you know of anyone else in need of housing, please let us know at the LULAC telephone number above or by e-mail to
Hope to see you there. And a Merry Christmas and Feliz Navidad to all.