
Mayor Turner Resigned of the Village of Cloudcroft New Mexico with a surprise announcement at the conclusion of a special meeting. Cloudcroft's Mayor Craig Turner stepped down, asking Police Chief Roger Schoolcraft to escort him to his office to pull his personal papers and items to ensure there was a witness to what he was removing from the city office and to ensure no perceptions of impropriety.
Mayor Turner's Resignation comes on the heels of another village clerk resigning on Monday, December 2nd, Cloudcroft Village Clerk Julie Pinson resigned from her position with the Village.
Pinson was hired as Clerk on July 1st of this year, and shortly unearthed a laundry list of missed tax filings and other unwelcome surprises in the village books per reporting from the Cloudcroft Reader.
Under Turners leadership a significant effort at cleanup of the books, audits abd a focus ob fiscal accountability and transparency has been the them. The result has been significant staff turnover but more transparency to the citizens.
This is an evolving story with Anthony Lucero of stream AlamogordoTownNews on seeking interviews. Stay tuned.