
The Alamogordo city commission met in regular and closed door session on Tuesday and a recap of their meeting is below. All commissioners were present.
A motion was approved to remove items 8 and 9 from the agenda which was a closed door session and vote on findings from the closed door session concerning land acquisition of Mountain Park Trout Farm located at 1086 US Highway 82. Motion passed 7 to 0.
Public comments then began with James Ori who spoke and Ryan Nowaczk president, of the US Veterans Motorcycle Club Trinity Chapter on hand to notify the commission and invite the community to another Heros Welcome Honor Flight Return Celebration to be hosted at the fairgrounds September 21st 2024 for 3 Vietnam Veterans including a husband and wife team.
The meeting then migrated to the city managers report. With some good news reported by Rick Holden. The issues concerning Natural Gas at the trailer parks that have been battling without gas due to maintenance issues is being addressed with assistance from the city in mediation.
White Sands Mobile Home Park is having new gas lines installed after being without gas for months and thus work is in process.
Desert Palms Mobile Home Park does have a promise from the owner to get their natural gas lines upgraded and is getting quotes. The owner reported to Holden that he is no longer considering propane as an alternative and no longer asking the city for a variance to allow that alternative.
Holden suggested that these mobile home park operators are now acting upon the requirements of the state mobile home act and city government regulations.
Bonita lake as one of the water sources for Alamogordo owned by the city that had been impacted by fires is being managed by David Lundley of the city in protection from fire runoff and debris accumulation has been saved. Thus fish are thriving and the city is working with fish and game and is going to reopen it to legal fishing this weekend.
There has been discussion and concerns around Paiute Park which is going to get it some items delivered this week river rock etc. and should be finished in September depending on weather. The park improvements will make it a natural park not a contemporary park with major improvements and infrastructure like others as per the revised park plan. It will however have sand boxes for the kids, decorative rock and BBQ grills and picnic tables.
Silverado Park is going to get some smaller play equipment and will receive the pavilion that was torn down in Oregon Park.
The engineering department reported over 40 projects on their board to include the New York Avenue and 10th Street traffic dlow changes. This change may result in a lot of public concerns as people adjust to changes as work progresses on the Great Block project.
The session included approval of the minutes for the Regular Commission meeting that was held on August 13, 2024 linked below...
The session then moved forward fo Consider, and act upon, the award of RFP 2024-003 Economic Development Services to Alamogordo Chamber of Commerce, there was discussion on expense and then it was approved.
Consider, and act upon, Resolution 2024-58, declaring 801 Arapaho Trl. to be so ruined, damaged, and dilapidated that it is a menace to public comfort, health, peace, or safety as suggested by Josh Sides, Code Enforcement Manager, approved by commission as condemned.
Consider, and act upon, the award of Public Works Bid No. 2024-007, Striping City-Wide Project No. PW2406, to Prestigious Paving LLC, related to the Alamogordo Striping City-Wide project for an amount not to exceed $94,071.03, including NMGRT as suggested by Justen Boyle, Project Manager. Approved by commission.
Consider, and act upon, Resolution 2024-59 requesting written approval from the Local Government Division of the Department of Finance and Administration, State of NM for the revised budget numbers computed as of August 27, 2024. As Evelyn Huff, Finance Director, approved.
Consider, and act upon, Resolution 2024-57, declaring 1409 Crescent Dr. is no longer so ruined, damaged, and dilapidated that it is a menace to public comfort, health, peace, or safety. Homes that are condemned have 1 to 2 years to fix issues. One Tree JV is a company that bought the property and remodeled it; they have bought other condemned homes in town that will also be remodeled they have repaired this home and brought it back to code.
Consider, and act upon, the final plat for Case S-2024- 0001(A), Fairgrounds Subdivision. The commission approved the property ro be subdivided into 11 lots for new development and growth on White Sands BLVD across from the Fair Grounds.
The public may watch a tape of the most recent commission meeting at the link on YouTube below...