
The MainStreet Makeover is a $1.9M project to update the infrastructure and street scape of the 800 & 900 blocks of New York Avenue. This project is funded via a state grant. When the project is complete, Alamogordo will have ADA compliant sidewalks downtown, new public art features, lamp posts, benches, and trash cans and a remodeled and reimagined central shopping and entertainment district. After years of public meetings with the general public and the impacted business community championing the project through stste approvals work is anout to begin in various phases.
Per a traffic control announcement by the City of Alamogordo be advised that beginning in September, a lane closure and traffic control plan will go into effect on 10th St. and New York Ave. The first project will begin around Downtown Mainstreet, 8th to 10th Street, and New York Avenue. The first project will consist of Utility work, including sewer and main waterline replacement.
This will be the first of many projects to improve our water and sewer lines throughout Alamogordo. Another project will immediately follow, known as the Great Blocks Project. This project will have a completely different traffic control plan.
An announcement will be made to notify residents and to ensure everyone’s safety when that time comes. Traffic engineers have monitored 10th Street and New York Avenue to ensure the best traffic
control plan
Once Great Blocks is finished, significant changes will be in effect:
• Stop signs will be removed after the projects are completed, and 10th Street will have a constant
flow of traffic.
• One-way traffic for New York Avenue northbound only from 10th Street to 12th Street.
The crosswalk at New York Ave. and 10th St. will be moved eastward, just before the westbound left turn lane. Eastbound traffic on 10th Street will not be allowed to turn left heading northbound on New York Avenue. Drivers will be able to turn left onto New York from westbound 10th Street.
During the first construction project, access to New York Avenue south of 10th Street will be closed to traffic.
A pedestrian walkway will be provided to ensure pedestrian safety in the downtown area.
Once the alleys are completed with new sewer lines and paved alleys, businesses will be accessed from the back entrances.
An additional notification will be made, along with the accompanying traffic control plan, once the date has been confirmed.
While in the district pop by 12th Street between White Sands and New York Avenue across from Wells Fargo and check out the newest store featuring primitive, Americana and Country Decor to open in the district; Our Little Country Store open 11 am to 6 pm.
Also visit the 3 new vendor shops as a part of the Alamogordo Main Street Venture Academy at 908 New York Avenue: Boujee Bandit, Ebenezer Hats and Infinity Sweets.
Stay tuned great things are on the horizon for New York Avenue.