
Two amazing teachers from the Philippines have lifted Alamogordo High School STEM classes - Advance Placement Statistics and Advanced Placement Biology to exceed state and even global standards.
As advocates for a charter school champion a need for a new STEM Charter in Alamogordo to drive competition to a perceived failing school district with newly elected school board sitting by, allowing the dismantling of APS, each fails to recognize the successes of their very own AHS and APS system within, and the excellent results of educators that are bringing to students the knowledge to succeed.
Alamogordo High School teachers Jourjin Orozco Sab and and C Jon Sab celebrated this week with the state announcement of the results of their amazing Biology and Statistics students as the College Board released the Advanced Placement Scores.
Jourjin Orozco Sab responded that, “We are incredibly proud of each one of them for their hardwork, giving it their all, passed or not, they are ours and we love all of them!”
Alamogordo High School outperformed the State of New Mexico in the Advanced Placement Biology and Advanced Placement Statistics Exams and surpassed the Global Passing Rate for AP Biology!
AP Statistics
New Mexico State passing rate: 32.6%
Alamogordo High School Passing Rate: 50%
For AP Biology
Global passing rate: 68.3%
New Mexico State passing rate: 57.2%
Alamogordo High School Passing Rate: 82%
As per a post from Jourjin Orozco Sab on social media announcing their departure due to a contract that is ending and yet another situation where the new board is failing to offer successful teachers an opportunity to continue, “Though our contracts with Alamogordo High School had ended, I told C John Sab that the release of our school's performance in the College Board exam will officially mark the conclusion of our impact as AP Biology and AP Statistics teachers for AHS.Your AP Biology and your AP Statistics teachers are now officially signing off!
Despite the sad goodbyes, we leave Alamogordo High School and move forward with pride and joy knowing that we left the school a better place, so much better, than we had found it!”
Congratulations to the recent success of the students that have participated in these Advanced Placement programs and congratulations to these two teachers yet another example of excellence in educational outcomes at Alamogordo High School.