
Air Force Sergeants Association - 1257 Chapter is a military or veterans organization based through Holloman Air Force Base New Mexico that was founded in 1972, this past few weeks it has been especially visible in its participation with CASA Auto-Sales for working the Big Give. This event raises funds and volunteers for other area nonprofits.
AFSA Chapter 1257 has been very active in assisting With Many Hands Alamogordo and helping with volunteer projects with the Puerto Rico Avenue Community Gardens as well as assisting along with other volunteers with the Gardens on New York Avenue and the Gardens on Maryland by the Dudley Community Center. More progress was made and the volunteers have cleared enough space to start planting a good amount of tomato plants for a fall harvest. The AFSA will be back working at the Puerto Rico garden this Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. all the while they are the coordinating organization hosting this years 4th of July celebration and parade at 10 am down 10th Street and culminating with street and food vendors on New York Avenue.
In addition to the collaborations with the community, networking and volunteering for over 60 years the Air Force Sergeants Association has been the voice of the total Air Force enlisted force. Their mission is to speak out on behalf of all grades of Air Force active duty, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, retirees, veterans and family members. The Holloman Chapter 1257 has always been very active and vibrant.
The AFSA ensures the benefits that enlisted individuals have earned are protected by advocating improved quality of life and economic fairness.
Along with representation on these big issues, AFSA also represents Air Force members on Capitol Hill regarding additional benefits:
- Freeze of any TRICARE premium costs
- Increased allowances and reduction of out-of-pocket expenses during permanent change of station moves, particularly for service members
- Increased pay and allowances and benefits for lower grade enlisted members
- Approval of enlisted flyer incentive pay
- Approval of enlisted hazardous duty pay for specified job specialties
- Increased component health care
- Pay and compensation
- Quality of life benefits for reservists and their families
- Continued protection of military stores such as commissaries and exchanges
- Retirement pay protection
- Appropriation of Impact Aid for education of Air Force children in local school districts and with DODDS
- Transferability of educational benefits for active duty military family members
- Enhanced voting opportunities across the world.
For more information about AFSA, the AMF, and its scholarship benefits, please contact toll-free at 1-800-638-0594 or 301-899-3500 and on the Internet at
You can also attend your local Chapter 1257 Membership meetings or visit then on Facebook at AFSA Chapter 1257 to learn more.